2021 August PCEA-EC Minutes
Minutes: Piscataquis County Extension Association Executive Committee Meeting August 9, 2021, at 3 p.m. By Zoom
Members, Beth McEvoy and Rick Cabot
Staff, Donna Coffin and Anette Moulton
Select a timekeeper – Beth
Only two present, not a quorum – no vote can be taken
Unfinished Business
- 2022 Budget Request
- Decide on Option 1 – 4% equals total budget from commissioners cash and in kind. Beth will ask other executive committee members for their recommendation for Option. She and Rick suggest Option one is their choice.
- Suggest points to include in the cover letter/narrative – be sure to include that it was a union-negotiated pay increase. Donna will resend links to the two documents to Rick and Beth for edits. included a few edits. Change references to “building“ to “office space”
- Fair paper survey – review questions
- Fair Survey (post-pandemic program interest) reviewed the survey and made suggestions. No raffle with this survey.
- Annual Report– get edits to Donna
- 2021 Piscataquis Program Plans
- Extension on the Road Plans
New Business
- Next meeting Sept 13th. -Meeting will be by Zoom only.
- Donna will get a list of the budget advisory committee members.
Next regular meeting: September 13th at 3 pm by Zoom and live (place to be determined)
We will be meeting every other month (odd months) in 2021 at 3 pm by Zoom and live when possible.