2021 November PCEA-EC Minutes
Minutes: Piscataquis County Extension Association Executive Committee Meeting November 8, 2021, at 3 p.m. By Zoom
- Members: Beth McEvoy, Steve DeGoosh and Rick Cabot
- Staff: Donna Coffin, Anette Moulton and Emily Mott
- Regrets: Sheila Norman
Business Meeting
- Secretary’s Report edited Steve’s livestock including East Friesian Sheep. msp to accept sec report.
- Treasurer’s Report – msp to accept tres. Report
Unfinished Business
- 2022 Budget Advisory Committee Meeting – Appalachian trail and PCEDC put in requests. Donna presented a PowerPoint explaining our programs. No questions on the money, but a lot of interest in what we did for programs. Public hearing Monday, November after Thanksgiving.
- PUBLIC HEARING: Piscataquis County Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing for the FY 2022 Piscataquis County budget and the FY 2022-2023 Unorganized Territory budget Monday, November 29, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. in the Commissioners’ chambers, Peaks Building, 163 East Main Street, Dover-Foxcroft.
- Review Exec Comm membership: terms, role and responsibilities. (Expiring terms 2021: Ben, George and Beth.) – other potential members – Beth will ask a rose grower in Atkinson. Rick is willing to have us use his arena for programs. Steve will check with Kim Merritt about joining.
- Annual Meeting – elections & public meeting plans – Beth reviewed the current members and their terms and when they expire. Looking at a January Annual Meeting with Nanny talking about forensic pathology and Laurie and staff talk about what we do.
- 2021 Piscataquis Program Plans – Donna reviewed planned programs
- Extension on the Road Plans – Extension on the Road will focus on town events to participate in with a table
New Business
- Results of Impact Surveys of newsletters – Donna reviewed the impact results that will be reported in the state reporting system from newsletter surveys.
- Non-Discrimination Sign-Off forms This is our annual civil rights sign-off for Executive Committee members. If you agree, send an email to Donna stating this.
- Other
Next meeting: January 10th business meeting. -Meeting will be by Zoom only
We will be meeting every other month (odd months) in 2022 at 3 pm by Zoom and live when possible.
Look for Dec. email from Beth on possible new members and annual meeting plans for January.