2022 February PCEA-EC Minutes

Minutes: Piscataquis County Extension Association Executive Committee Meeting February 14, 2022, at 3 p.m. By Zoom


  • Members: Beth McEvoy and Rick Cabot
  • Proxy by email: Judy Cross and Steve DeGoosh. By Phone: Kim Merritt and George McKay.
  • Staff: Donna Coffin, Anette Moulton, Laurie Bowen and Emily Mott.


Call to order 3:05 pm by Beth McEvoy, President of the Piscataquis County Extension Association.

Motion to nominate Rick Cabot as Treasurer of the Piscataquis County Extension Association by Beth and second by George. No other nominations.  Call for a vote. (6 yes, 0 no) Rick Cabot has been elected treasurer of the Piscataquis County Extension Executive Committee.

George McKay has resigned from the committee. We thank him for his many years of support to the committee and his assistance with the 4-H events. He is willing to assist occasionally with 4-H events.

Financial reports and activity reports will be available in the Google Folder for February.

Next meeting: March 14th business meeting. – Meeting will be by Zoom 

We will be meeting every other month (odd months) in 2022 at 3 pm by Zoom and live when possible.