2022 September PCEA-EC Minutes

Minutes: Piscataquis County Extension Association Executive Committee Meeting September 12, 2022, at 3 p.m. By Zoom


  • Members: Beth McEvoy, and Joe Deitz
  • Staff: Donna Coffin, Sheila Norman, Anette Moulton, and Laurie Bowen
  • Guest: Sarah Robinson, and Kazia Knepp
    (We do not have a quorum)

Business Meeting: 

Secretary’s Report -The sec report will be in the Google folder in a PDF. This report was taken from the transcript of the August meeting.   

Treasurer’s Report. 

  • Transactions
  • Cash Flow 

We are right on track. 

Sheila’s computer battery is in need of replacement. The cost is $350 to be split with Penobscot County. We can use technology funds for that expense. 

Rick has been in to sign checks. 

Request that pdfs of reports be sent by email to committee members as well as located in the Google Drive Folder.

3:10 p.m. Program Updates from Staff

4-H: Emily is moving to EFNEP
PVF happened. Activities well received. Animal Land didn’t happen this year. We have volunteers for next year. Sarah Robinson was a judge in Bell Building. TSC donated poultry waterers for youth with poultry projects and by donation to others.


Contacted 53 people this month. Recording of the Irrigation for Small-Scale Farm program. Donna and Laurie will be going to the Greenville farmers market to get info about One Tomato and other activities. The extension will have a booth at the Maine Harvest Festival. Donna is on the promotion review committee.



Milo Garden club pressure testing went well. Make your own spice mix was a very popular activity. Preserving the Maine Harvest webinar is still very successful. Food safety for wild game with F&W was successful last year and will continue and will be more hands-on. Climate change is having an effect on safety. Pollinator Garden videos are being used through the library system, people can be pollinator supporters if they don’t garden. 

Laurie found information about the correct procedure for bringing in new members.

3:40 p.m. Old Business

  • Office Sign-The sign is still at the paint shop in Orono. It is being worked on.  
  • Annual Report & Funding Request Submitted-Laurie and Sheila physically took the reports to the county manager. We will contact the manager at the end of September to be sure we know when the budget committee will meet.  

The garden needs a lot of work. It is mostly for 2nd grade. There is a beautiful sundial garden but we don’t know who is heading it up. David Murray is no longer teaching 2nd grade, the principal will speak to the 2nd-grade team to see if anyone else is interested in the garden. Beth will reach out to the person who is spearheading the sundial garden to collaborate.

4:00 p.m. New Business

  • One Tomato Harvest Survey and distribution plans 
  • Announcement from Emily
  • Computer Repair
  • Changing meeting times to 6:30 
    • Joe thought 6:30 would work.
    • We will need to let members know. It may be easier for some folks to attend if it is later. 
  • Potential new members – Vote in Sarah (No quorum)
  • Other new business

4:30 Adjourn

Next meeting: Nov. 14th annual business meeting. The meeting will be by Zoom and live This meeting will be held at 6:30 PM..

We will be meeting every other month (odd months) in 2022 at 3 pm by Zoom and live when possible.