2018 September PCEA-EC Minutes

Minutes: Piscataquis County Extension Association Executive Committee Meeting- 9/10/18


Members: Beth McEvoy, Carole Boothroyd, Karen Murphy, David Bridges,

George McKay

Staff: Donna Coffin, Trisha Smith, Sheila Norman

  • President Beth McEvoy called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm. Karen Murphy was appointed timekeeper.
  • Minutes of the 8/13/2018 meeting were unanimously approved.
  • Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved, with an explanation by Donna that bills not paid in June were made up in July.

Program Updates

Highlights of 4-H Program – Sheila Norman

  • The 4-H Silent Auction on Friday and Saturday at the Piscataquis Valley Fair raised over $1000 for scholarships to regional and national 4-H leadership programs. 4-H leaders are discussing extending the Silent Auction into Sunday next year.
  • The Communication Science Team will represent Maine at the Eastern States Expo, September 22-24. Rebecca is on the team and Sheila is staff chaperone. Sheila will report next meeting on the event.
  • Discussion on the time requirements to start a SPIN Club: a minimum of 6 hours required.
  • Discussion on possible future programs on preserving foods.

Home Horticulture Report- Trisha Smith

  • Murray’s second grade class has harvested carrots and onions; will harvest dry beans and pumpkins soon. They will plant cover crops in empty beds and plant garlic in mid-October.
  • Master Gardener volunteers: Trisha volunteered to have a 3-5 minute power point presentation for the Annual Dinner to encourage new participants in the Master Gardener program.

Piscataquis Activities- Donna Coffin

  • Donna reports 18 one-to- one contacts, including questions on beginning beef farming, agritourism and veggies; soil management in pasture; mushroom information and control; Winter Care of Poultry info; well water testing; weed id and control; mold removal.

Upcoming Programs/Meetings

  • Piscataquis County Annual Meeting is on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 5 pm at the Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church. Dinner by DKB Catering from Greenville. Speakers: Dr. Alicyn Smart, Plant Pathologist and Dr. Matt Wallhead, Ornamental Horticulturist. Their topic: What’s Killing My Plants? Top Identifications of 2018 and Prevention. Pesticide credits are available. The price of a dinner ticket will be $15 Early Bird until October 15 and $20 thereafter until Friday, Nov 2. Payment can be made online or by check at the office.
  • Winter Care of Poultry is on Sep.20 from 9:30 a.m. to noon OR 6-8:30 p.m at the Cooperative Extension office. Instructors: Dr. Colt Knight and Donna Coffin.
  • So You Want to Farm in Maine? has live sessions in the Bangor office on October 2, 9, 16 and 23 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sessions are also live streamed and recorded as options for this FSA borrower training. https://extension.umaine.edu/penobscot/programs/agriculture/sywtfim/


Past Programs/Meetings

  • Many copies of the annual report were given out at the Piscataquis Valley Fair
  • The Annual Budget Request for County Commissioners has been finalized and delivered for the commissioners, budget advisory committee and the county manager.

Unfinished Business

  • The Search Committee for an Administrative Specialist is screening applications on Sep. 10 and will interview on Sep.26.


New Business

  • Richard Neal and Dottie Hadler plan to let their terms on the Executive Committee expire. Their service will be recognized with thanks at the Annual Dinner. Committee members are encouraged to seek new members. Trish reports that Jackie Robinson is interested in joining in October. Carole will contact Karen Cookson and Barbara Kafka. It was decided that potential new members will be offered a complementary ticket to the Annual Dinner. Donna will advertise the need for Executive Committee members on Facebook.

Meeting Adjourned at 5:00 pm

Next Meeting: October 15 at 3 pm at the Extension Office in Dover-Foxcroft

Submitted by Carole Boothroyd, Secretary 10/02/18