2019 October PCEA-EC Minutes
Minutes: Piscataquis County Extension Association Executive Committee meeting 10/7/2019, 3-5 pm
Present: Members: Beth McEvoy, Carole Boothroyd, Gretchen Huettner, George McKay, Ben Cookson
Staff: Donna Coffin, Sheila Norman
Call to Order– President Beth McEvoy called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm. George selected as timekeeper.
- Minutes of the 9/9/2019 meeting were approved. Motion to approve: George. Second: Gretchen. Vote: unanimous yes.
- The Treasurer’s Report was approved, with no corrections. Motion to approve: George. Second: Gretchen. Vote: unanimous yes.
- After a brief discussion of an issue tabled on 9/9, George made a motion to pay $28.26 to 4-H for lattices. Second-Carole. Vote: unanimous yes.
Program Updates
4-H Program Update- Sheila Norman
- Applications for the Community Education Assistant (CEA) for Penobscot and Piscataquis Counties have closed and the hiring committee is continuing its work.
- The annual 4-H Awards Night is on 10/25 at 5 pm at Valley Grange. There will be a pot luck supper, a presentation by the youth who attended Citizenship Washington Focus this summer and individual recognition for this year’s projects.
- The Milo After School program starts its fall topics on 10/16. Offerings include Duct Tape Crafts and Flight Command. Sheila is looking into a possible culminating trip to the Challenger Center in Bangor for participants.
- The 2018-19 4-H year ended on 9/30, so it’s time for the annual re-enrollment of 4-H members. Each member pays one dollar for insurance with enrollment.
Home Horticulture Report – Trisha Smith
- Congratulations to five new Piscataquis County Master Gardiner Volunteers. Two are still looking for opportunities to complete their first 40 hours of volunteer work.
- Piscataquis Passport Project is now a year-round club. Their first service project was to help clean out the Halloween storage at the dump for the Boo-nanza committee.
- Piscataquis Regional Food Center/Dover-Foxcroft Area Food Cupboard- distributes food on the second and fourth Fridays, 9 am-noon and 1-3 pm.
- Voices from Home Oral History team is planning one or more Hunters’ Breakfasts in November.
- Fall Programs- Plan Next Year’s Garden Now met at PHEC on 10/7 with four sign-ups. Trisha’s meeting with Superintendent Shorey was an opportunity to offer support and gardening activities to teachers.
- Merrilee Shoen led a team of gleaners to pick peppers and eggplant at Marr Pond Farm on 10/9.
- School Garden- students planted spinach to over-winter and will harvest garlic in October and pumpkins in November.
Piscataquis Activities- August- September- October- Donna Coffin
- Donna reports 27 one to one contacts, including questions on plant id, soil quality, weed control, vegetable storage, strawberry management and more.
- Helping Customers “Find” You… Digital Resources and Tools for Farmers and Direct Marketers is a short course offered by Donna Coffin with Adult Ed at the Piscataquis County Extension Office on 10/28, 6-8 pm. Also offered in Newport on 10/24. Sign up through Adult Ed. $5 fee.
- Reminder to keep passing out media surveys. So far, over 95 responses have been entered, but more are needed from friends, neighbors, and groups.
- 8 people attended the Winter Poultry Care morning session at the Extension Office. None attended the 6 pm session with Dr. Colt Knight.
- 3 Executive Committee members were pleased to be able to meet Dean Carter at her recent Piscataquis County visit.
- Congratulations to Donna for receiving the Search for Excellence National Winner award at the National Association of County Agricultural Agents- Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Donna presented a talk and poster on the One Tomato program.
- Donna is collecting Impact Information from newsletter surveys for state reporting and civil rights reporting and will try to collect One Tomato harvest data.
Unfinished Business
- Donna reviewed UMaine Cooperative Extension’s policies on the issue of volunteers and liability insurance and provided an informational handout.
- UMaine Extension Presents: Brewery Tour and Fermented Foods Talk and Annual Meeting is on October 22, 5:30-8 pm at Bissell Brothers Brewery and Taproom in Milo. $15 includes a light meal from Elaine’s. The committee decided that paying a $100 set-up fee to Elaine’s was prudent and covered by the $400 budget for the annual meeting.
New Business
- The committee asks Donna to send Executive Committee members an updated list of the County Budget Advisory Committee and dates of public hearings on the budget.
- Gretchen requests that the Executive Committee add a line in the budget of $50 for the Bell Building.
- The committee discussed and signed Civil Rights agreements.
- Ben updated the committee on his efforts to invite Temple Grandin to Piscataquis County. Ben also reported that he has invited Steve DeGoosh to join the Executive Committee.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.
Annual meeting: 10/22 at Bissell Brothers 5:30-8 pm.
Next regular meeting: November 11, 2019, at Piscataquis County Extension Office, Dover-Foxcroft 3-5 pm.
Submitted by Carole Boothroyd, Secretary 10/22/2019