4-H Youth Programs
4-H Clubs, Teams and Groups
Towns listed are where the clubs, teams or groups meet, but youth from anywhere are welcome to participate if they are willing to travel.
Parkman Adventure Club – Parkman
Greenville Super Science Club – Greenville
Piscataquis Animal Club – Dover-Foxcroft
Wild Blueberry Adventure 4-H Club – Greenville
4-H Afterschool SPIN Club – Milo
YVYC High School Program– Milo
4-H Clubs
Piscataquis County 4-H Clubs have been very active this year with projects, fundraisers, events, and trips.
Five Piscataquis County youth attended the 4-H@UMaine as teen leaders. This is a fun-filled, educational opportunity for youth 12 – 18 where the youth experience sleeping in the dorm, eating in the cafeteria and learning from professors and graduate students in many different disciplines on the Orono campus.
Two youth participated in the 4-H Day at the Legislature. Youth act as pages for the Senators and Representatives that serve their counties for the day.
At the Piscataquis Valley Fair, the clubs will once again conduct a silent auction to raise funds for scholarships. The total raised at the 2015 fair was $1,300. Thanks go to all contributors and bidders with an invitation to participate at the 2016 fair.
Adventures in Health Science
The Adventures in Health Science was held at C. A. Dean Hospital in Greenville and focused on the respiratory system this year. Ten youth participated, five of whom were new to 4-H in this three-day summer immersion experience. The hands-on activities were fun as well as educational and offered the youth the opportunity to learn about careers in the field of health care through direct interaction with medical professionals who practice in Piscataquis County Many thanks to the C. A. Dean Hospital staff for their continued support and to Dr. Beth McEvoy for teaching the youth using cow and lamb respiratory specimens.

The GrowME program celebrated its fifth year where an informal group of volunteers provides hands-on activities that would develop agricultural literacy. During Maine Agriculture Week volunteers work with teachers to schedule an agricultural activity in their classroom.
This program is a collaboration between Valley Grange, PCSWCD (Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District) and UMaine Extension in Piscataquis County. This year over 40 classrooms teachers signed up for a volunteer to visit and activities were developed for kindergarten through third grade. The program has grown to more classroom but continues to focus on the third grade and younger students and has reached an estimated 3,500 kids since the program launched!