February 8, 2016
Piscataquis County Extension Association
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
February 8th, 2016
Present: Walter Boomsma, Donna Coffin, Janet Yelch-Weatherbee, Richard Neal, Sheila Norman, Trisha Smith, Beth McAvoy
Meeting called to order at 3:05 PM. Since a quorum was not present, no business was transacted, discussion only.
Secretary’s Report
Correction to January Minutes noted. Budget report note should have read “OTT” bill instead of “Fairpoint.”
Budget Report
See attached reports; Phone bill holding firm at $45/mo. Support staff bill was incomplete, Donna is waiting for correction. Janet has contacted the county for the quarterly allotment.
Program Reports
See attached reports. Several highlights:
- Farming/Agriculture— Most contacts are through email. Dover Cove Farmers’ Market planning is underway, Donna is helping. Also helping Erin Callaway and Casey Webber with Cultivating Community event. Newsletter reach is expanding, email list is over 6000 due to all counties joining with Constant Contact. Donna is on the search committee for Extension Livestock Educator.
- Home Horticulture—4 worm bins are around the county. Seed Savers group in Dexter a great way to meet and mingle with gardeners, learn about propagation.
- 4-H/Youth— Greenville Super Science very active, Cloverbud Club is forming. Sheila is holding Public Speaking workshops: Piscataquis Animal Club Feb 2, Parkman Area Adventure Club Feb. 18. Sign making going well. Animal Land, Gate 1, smaller clean up after dogs sign. Brian Westman from The Bear’s Den donated materials. Public Speaking Tournament February 27 9 am at the Extension office. She needs two more volunteers as timers/tabulators. 3 youth from Piscataquis County participated in 4-H day at the Legislature
Unfinished Business
School Garden–Richard will develop diagram and budget for water catchment at Sedomocha School Garden
One Tomato– Richard will start and grow 400 cherry tomato plants for our project. We will need help distributing the plants in June and collecting data in August/September.
GrowME— Walter has contacted SeDoMoCha and PCES, will contact Ridgeview in Dexter. Sheila will contact Milo and Greenville. PCSWCD has agreed to be a collaborator again this year.
Executive Committee Membership—Welcomed guest Beth McEvoy, no action taken at this time.
New Business-
Donna noted that a candidate for the on-call clerk position has expressed interest. Additional follow up is needed.
Adjourned 4:50 pm.