January 9, 2017

Piscataquis County Extension Association

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2017

Present:  Walter Boomsma, Donna Coffin, Janet Yelch-Weatherbee, Beth McAvoy, George McKay, Barb Baker

Call to Order

  • Introductions & Announcements- Review Agenda – Walter, Donna
  • Secretary’s Report (July and August need approval – m, s, p to accept minutes)
  • Budget Report – Balance at the end of the year was $31,029.95 and included $5,100 payment from the county. January bill for $222.66 for supplies. Orono asked for EIN number info and will be working on BMP for counties. Donna will send a report to Walter. Janet, Donna

Program Updates from Staff

  • Written reports appreciated! Help keep us efficient! See reports – for details.

Unfinished Business

  • Budget Update – passed by the county commissioners. Donna/Walter
  • Food Cupboard/Community Garden – Trisha will be involved with plans for this new garden opportunity.
  • So you want to farm in Maine survey – worked with Caragh Fitzgerald to have a combined Beginner Farmer survey that the results will help justify a grant request and provide information for program planning. Donna
  • Newsletter/Social Media Activity – See Donna’s report – Donna/Trisha
  • SeDoMoCha School Garden improvements (tabled til spring) – Trisha/Group
  • Executive Committee Membership – Katy Joner-Robinson (Barb), Hailey Emery (Barb), Pam Pultz (Walter), Kim Kuffenerffer, Ben + Cookson (Donna), Rainie Stutzman (Beth), Doug + Gretchen Huettner, Karen Murphy (Beth), Kathy Curry (Walter) Group Approaches – should we run an ad in the Observer? Newsletters? Change the timing of the meetings to 3:30 to accommodate teacher’s schedules, use technology, reach out to other organizations or businesses to get a representative. Masons, Kiwanis, Maine Highlands Federal Credit Union (fall rural harvest festival) – ask to attend the next meeting to check us out, before committing. Executive Committee Website – https://extension.umaine.edu/piscataquis/pcea/

New Business

  • GrowME 2017 – Sheila can help with Greenville and Brownville. Walter – Guilford and Dover-Foxcroft – Donna will ask if PCSWCD will be involved. Amanda can help with schedule – Group – need volunteers to work with the classes. Extension provides dirt baby supplies. Better if cream is pasteurized. Hard to get schedule from schools. Beth will help.
  • Georgia Underwood has submitted a letter of resignation. M, S, and P to accept her resignation with regrets. We will keep her on the email list. Walter will send a letter to her.
  • Project Planning – a look ahead Group – rural heritage, one tomato, etc. Survey of young people on future plans around forestry and forest products through University of Maine Forestry Dept. Someone (Amanda?) pull together things that are coming up – master calendar or list? Could help Trisha with the garden newsletter.
  • Walter distributed his workshop schedule.


Reminder Communicate and collaborate so we make a difference!

Other Information—

Future Meetings and Events:

  • February Executive Committee Meeting, Monday, February 14
  • March Executive Committee Meeting, Monday, March 13
  • GrowME/Ag Week March 20 – March 24