July 11, 2016

Piscataquis County Extension Association

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2016

Present:  Walter Boomsma, Georgia Underwood, Donna Coffin, Janet Yelch-Weatherbee, Trisha Smith, Beth McAvoy via telephone, Dotty Hadler, Richard Neal, George McKay, Tish Dutson, Barb Baker, Lisa Phelps via Tandberg

Called to order by Walter at 3:10 p.m.

Introductions – Since Lisa needed to leave early, she was asked for any reports. She indicated that University enrollment is increasing and there may not be any budget cuts this year.

Secretary’s Report – Accepted as read.

Budget Report – See attached reports.

Program Reports – See attached reports.

Unfinished Business

School Garden/Summer Meals Program—Rain collection and distribution system discussed, may need some minor adjustments. Trisha presented the opportunity to purchase a custom-made carrot costume that could be used in a number of different ways in addition to the meals program. George moved that we spend $150 to purchase the costume, Tish seconded, passed unanimously.

One Tomato—see program report. Donna noted that harvest will be counted in September.

Booth at Dover Cove Farmers Market—Extension will be present at the market on August 9 from 2 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Donna could use some volunteer help.

Rural Living Day (PCSWCD)—Discussed the drafted survey, agreeing that it needed reducing, perhaps by as much as half. Agreed that folks would send Donna their suggestions for the top five items.

Executive Committee Membership—nothing to report.

County Budget—after discussion, there was a consensus by the Committee that based on “where we are and where we are headed” we would seek to be level funded next. Barb requested that we consider attempting to increase the personnel services budget, but the committee declined.

New Business-

Annual Meeting—We agreed on a date of Friday, October 28th for our annual meeting and agreed we’d like to return to the Congregational Church as a location. All are asked to consider topics and a potential guest speaker.

Adjourned 5:00 pm.