July 6, 2015

Piscataquis County Extension Association

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

July 6, 2015

Present:  Walter Boomsma, Karen Dolley, Donna Coffin, Georgia Underwood, Janet Yelch-Weatherbee, Tish Dutson, George McKay, Dotty Hadler, Richard Neal, Sheila Norman, Trisha Smith, Guests – Meghan and Haley Bergeron

Meeting called to order at 3:05 PM.  Introductions were made.

Secretary’s Report – Report reviewed by the Committee and were unanimously approved.

Budget Report – see attached report.

Program Reports

Copies of written reports received and distributed. A few highlights:

Farming/Horticulture – Donna reports there are now 5 new Master gardeners. Over 330 tomato plants were distributed during the One Tomato Project. Trisha Smith was introduced as the new Home Horticultural Aide! Welcome to Trisha!

4-H Youth – Sheila reported on some tentative plans for the Piscataquis County Fair August 27-30 including a silent auction. A sign-up sheet for volunteers will soon be available. Adventures In Health Science is planned July 14-16.

Unfinished Business

Telephone System Update – Janet and Donna report we are waiting for our first OTT bill. This service was initiated on May 11, 2015. Until we receive this bill we can’t determine what our cost savings will be.

Work Plans and Public Relations – Keep saving/clipping newspaper articles for the Piscataquis County Cooperative Extension Accomplishments scrapbook. These articles and pictures can be used for the Annual Report! Donna has asked staff to submit articles and information for consideration in the annual report.

Food Corps Update – a bill for new fencing has been received at the Extension office. The type of fencing purchased is not clear at this time. Trisha will go over to SeDoMoCha school to see if metal fencing is present or if wood fencing is present. Once proper fencing has been purchased and delivered, George and Richard have again volunteered to put in fence posts and George, Richard, and Georgia have volunteered to assemble fencing. Richard has also volunteered to apply manure to the garden. Georgia wonders if there is a way to water the garden. This may be discovered by Extension members as they install the fencing. Donna reports she has been involved with the interview process of the next Food Corps person. She notes there are 2 or 3 outstanding candidates.

Budget Request 2016 – The amount for the budget request to the Piscataquis County Commissioners was discussed by Committee members.   The Building Fund, office expenditures, personnel, and the Food Corps position were discussed. Richard makes a motion to request the amount of $20,400.00 for fiscal year 2016, an increase of just over 4% from last year—most of the increase in program expense and on-call clerk costs. This motion was seconded by George and the motion passed unanimously.

The Annual Meeting – The date of October 30, 2015 for the annual meeting was discussed and approved. Janet notes she likes the Annual Report and posters/placemats which were done last year. The Committee decided to do an Annual Report and the poster/placemats again this year. Donna recommended using the back of the Annual Report to advertise the Annual Meeting. Janet wonders if this space might also be used to enlist volunteers for Cooperative Extension activities. Karen recommends continuing to work on new ways to promote Cooperative Extension through Facebook and other social media, Donna reported she and Trisha recently attended a training on the use of social media to reach additional people. Potential speakers and topics for the Annual Meeting were discussed. Ideas included economic opportunities in agriculture, farmer’s markets, and acquiring funding for farming opportunities. Walter suggested a panel discussion format. A venue for the Annual Meeting was discussed and suggestions included the Center Theater, the Valley Grange, the Congregational Church, and the East Sangerville Grange. A full dinner vs. desserts and coffee was also discussed. Donna will look into the venue and possible speakers.

New Business – none.

Walter notes ALL are invited to the annual Grange picnic on July 11, 2015.

Next Cooperative Extension Executive Committee meeting planned for August 10, 2015.

Meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM.