June 12, 2017

June 12, 2017

Piscataquis County Extension Association

Executive Committee Meeting

Called to order 3:00 pm

Members present: Dotty Hadler, Janet Yelch-Weatherbee, Richard Neal, Beth McEvoy, Karen


Staff present: Donna Coffin, Trisha Smith, Barb Baker.

Barb Baker appointed to act as time keeper today.

Secretaries Report is accepted as read in e-mail.

Budget Report is accepted as given by Donna Coffin. It was noted that there were no checks in

April, all written in May. Noted also that next years budget request is due to the County

Commissioners by the end of August.

4H Update presented by Barb Baker.

• Club members have been active at county, state and national levels.

• There has still not been a leader found for the requested baby-sitting classes.

• Barb is requesting volunteers to help at the Piscataquis Valley Fair this year.

See written report for more update details.

Home Horticulture Update presented by Trisha Smith.

• One Tomato has a few more distributions scheduled. A final report will be given at next

meeting. Any remaining plants will be given to the prison garden at Charleston.

• Fencing for Sedo garden is on hold- waiting for posts to be available at Tractor Supply. Fence

will be installed when material arrives.

Beth will call Perko to see if we can source fence posts from them.

• Requesting help next week to build a tabletop display for the Passport Program. Richard Neal

is volunteering to help with this.

• Update on stolen seedlings—- No leads yet.

See written report for more update details.

Programs Update presented by Donna Coffin.

• Asking for ideas for a Livestock 101 Program for next spring. Presentations vs. “hands on”

and suggested topics.

See written report for information on other current and “in-the-works” programs.

Timekeeper suggested longer time allotments for “program updates” for the next meeting.

Unfinished Business:

Executive Committee Officer elections

• Janet Yelch-Weatherbee is resigning from the Executive Committee and as its Treasurer

effective today June 12, 2017.

• Karen Murphy is elected to fill the position of Treasurer effective today June 12,2017.

• The Signatory card at Bangor Savings Bank will need to be updated to reflect these changes.

Janet Yelch-Weatherbee will be removed from signatory card. Karen Murphy will be

added and George McKay will continue as signatory.

• Beth McEvoy is to continue as President through the Annual Meeting.

Executive Committee recruitment

• It was noted that the terms of several current members will be expiring this year and also that

some current members are inactive- do not participate in meetings. Also, sponsors of potential members will follow-up with those folks to see if they are still interested.

• The suggestion was made to include a note in the Newsletters asking for volunteers-people

who are interested in serving as Executive Committee members.

Temporary Staff

• See position description included in notes.

• Donna reports that there are three people possibly interested in the position, and she and

Amanda will be interviewing them.

Office Beautification

• There has been no action to date, and we will postpone discussion until the next meeting. In the short term Richard will bring in a few of his photos to hang in the reception area.

New Business:

Report format

• Beth suggests brief and to the point written reports which include new information. The oral

report at the meeting can provide more elaborate details.

• Erin Callaway is to attend the July meeting to talk about their new food hub coming to Dover-

Foxcroft. She will be here at 3 pm.

• The canopy tent needs to be replaced. Replacement is approved—to spend less than 150 $.

• The agenda for July will include discussion of the annual budget and planning for the Annual


Meeting adjourned at 5:02 pm.

Submitted by Karen Murphy- acting as Secretary for this meeting