March 14, 2016

Piscataquis County Extension Association

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2016

Present:  Walter Boomsma, Donna Coffin, Janet Yelch-Weatherbee, Sheila Norman, Trisha Smith, Beth McAvoy, George McKay, Dotty Hadler, Tish Dutson

Secretary’s Report

January and February Minutes were approved.

Budget Report

See attached reports; Quarterly count allotment has been received. Copier bill remains unresolved. Phone bill is holding at about $45 per month.

Program Reports

See attached reports. Several highlights:

  • Farming/Agriculture— Big events include Livestock 101, Cultivating Community. Brief discussion regarding Extension Homemakers, Debbie Killiam is coordinator of these groups.
  • Home Horticulture—Trisha noted invitation to participate in Agway’s Greenhouse Opening on May 7.
  • 4-H/Youth— Greenville Cloverbud Club is working on a name. Health Science activity will focus on respiratory system on June 28-30 at C.A. Dean. Local Public Speaking Tournament did not happen. As a result, both Janet and Walter will be judging Regional on April 9.
  • Statewide—Lisa provided a brief update on the Livestock Educator search.

Unfinished Business

School Garden–Richard submitted some preliminary cost numbers, but since he was unable to be at the meeting, discussion and action was tabled. Trisha mentioned she may be able to procure barrels needed.

One Tomato—Nothing to discuss at this time.

GrowME—Schedule of activities was distributed. Walter announced that we are postponing pre-k activity with the concurrence of pre-k teachers and principal Mrs. Kimball.

Executive Committee Membership—Walter presented Karen Dolley’s official resignation. Tish moved, seconded by Dottie to accept with regrets. Walter to write letter of appreciation and indicate that we would love to have her back should her circumstances change. Passed unanimously.  George moved, seconded by Tish that we appoint Beth McEvoy to the Committee. Passed unanimously.

New Business-

Donna noted that paperwork for hiring Diana Bray to fill the on-call clerk position is in the works. Janet noted that even when the need is short notice, we should contact Diana to see if she can cover the absence.

Brief discussion of the University’s announcement that they are studying “best practices” for the management of county funds. No action required at this time.

Adjourned 4:50 pm.