October 20, 2014

Piscataquis County Extension Association
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2014


Natasha Colbry, Sheila Norman, Janet Yelch-Weatherbee, Karen Dolley, Barbara Baker via web, Ana Lucia Bonstedt, Walter Boomsma, George McKay, Dottie Hadler, Richard Neal

Meeting called to order at 3:05 PM. Quick introductions by all for guest in attendance, Dottie Hadler.


Secretary’s Report

George notes that the cost of the placemats recently purchased was not included in the Secretary’s notes from September 15, 2014. Members of the Executive Committee note that the potential cost was included in the Secretary’s Notes from the meeting on August 11, 2014. The actual cost for the printing of the placemats is noted to be $204.32. No corrections to the Secretary’s report noted by Committee members, motion made by George to accept minutes as written, motion seconded by Janet, motion passed unanimously.


Budget Report

See attached report. Janet notes that FairPoint rates have been increasing steadily over the past 6 months alone! She has requested that Amanda check the rates from Time Warner.


Program Reports

Copies of written reports received and emailed. Copies distributed to Executive Committee members. A few highlights:

  • Farming/Horticulture –see attached reports. Ana notes that Extension posters and placemats have been distributed in a variety of places. Placemats were distributed to Executive Committee members to review. It was noted that the printing came out very well. Committee members are invited to take placemats to distribute to local restaurants. Richard notes he is traveling to Greenville this week and will take placemats to distribute in that area, including to Auntie M’s. Other restaurants discussed included Coburn’s and Hobnobber’s in Milo. The end of the season evaluation of the One Tomato Project was completed. Janet notes that the estimated value of the harvest for the 220 persons participating was $830.00! Sheila notes she was able to talk with a participant recently who plans to grow her own plants next year!
  • 4-H –see attached report. Sheila reports some exciting news! There is a new Animal 4-H club in Dover. George asks for more information about animal clubs. Sheila explains that this club will focus on all aspects of animal care and health. There are many activities in Milo for all age groups! Sheila reminds the group that Brenda Mowdy will be honored for her extensive work with the Cooperative Extension at the University of Maine on 10/25/14 at 6PM. George notes that she has done an outstanding job and will be missed!


Unfinished Business

Budget Strategy

Walter reports he has met with the Budget Advisory Committee of the Piscataquis County Commissioners. He noted that Barb and Sheila also attended. The Budget Advisory Committee will now meet and make their recommendations to the County Commissioners. There will probably be a public hearing at the end of November.

Food Corps Position

Walter notes that Sonja has left Food Corps and to please welcome Hannah Yovino, the new Food Corps worker! She will be at the Cooperative Extension office in Dover on 10-21-14 with Kate Garland.

Dottie asks about the care of community gardens during the summer. It is noted that many students are not able to work on the gardens in the summer due to transportation problems and parents who are working cannot provide the support for their children’s activities in the summer. These problems also persist as children try to become involved in after school activities during the school year. Sheila and Ana note they do work in these gardens. Natasha wonders if required community service hours from students attending the local high schools can be met working in the community and school gardens. This may be a topic that can be discussed between the local high schools and Hannah.

 Joint Meeting

The joint meeting of the Penobscot and Piscataquis Cooperative Extensions will be held on November 10, 2014 at the United Methodist Church in Corinth at 6PM. It is noted that Natasha will be the Guest Speaker! Walter notes that an additional $25.00 is requested to help pay for the meeting room. George makes a motion to spend $25.00, Janet seconds this motion, and the motion passes unanimously.

Work Plans and Public Relations

Executive Committee members are needed! Continue search efforts!

Keep saving/clipping newspaper articles for the Piscataquis County Cooperative Extension Accomplishments scrapbook!


New Business


Next Cooperative Extension Executive Committee meeting planned for the evening of November 10, 2014.

Meeting adjourned at 4:45PM.