Module 1: PowerPoint Slides Transcripts

Module 1: Introduction to University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Slide 1:

Slide 2: Welcome!

Who is University of Maine Cooperative Extension?

Program Areas

Slide 3: Over 90 Years

The University of Maine

Slide 4: Smith-Lever Act


Enacted by Congress in 1914 and signed by President Woodrow Wilson.

Established partnership of federal, state, and county governments, which brings university resources to your county

Slide 5: Connecting to the Community

In Maine:

There is a network of county-based offices staffed by experts who provide practical, locally based solutions for farmers, small business owners, kids, parents, volunteers, consumers, and others.

Slide 6: Each county office has an executive committee or advisory board


  • Are local volunteers
  • Are community residents
  • Link county needs with university resources
  • Work with staff on county-specific programs
  • Help spread the word about Extension programs

Slide 7: Programs Statewide

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources

Nutrition, Health and HR