An Energetic Start to 2017
Community Central began 2017 by looking at different forms of energy with 4th Graders at McMahon Elementary. Many of these students participated with Community Central as 3rd Graders and some have attended sessions at community partner locations across Lewiston.
To explore potential and kinetic energy youth built tracks for marbles using pipe insulation. The first challenge was to see if they could create a jump that would launch their marble into a cup.
After creating a successful ski jump, some were able to create a loop-de-loop track! We’re looking forward to more energy exploration over the next few weeks with these young scientists.
This material is based upon the work of 4-H Community Central Maine, a project supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, United States (U.S.) Department of Agriculture, through a cooperative agreement with The University of Maine under award number 2014-41520-22235
General information about the CYFAR grant program can be accessed on the
Children, Youth and Families at Risk (CYFAR) page (USDA website).
For further information about the CYFAR-funded project highlighted in this publication, contact:
CYFAR Project Name: 4-H Community Central Maine
Principal Investigator: Kristy L Ouellette
Email Address:
Website: 4-H Community Central