Oxford County 4-H June Jamboree Sheep, Swine, Working Steer and Horse Clinic is being held June 14th through June 16th at the Fryeburg FairGrounds, 1154 Main Street, Fryeburg Maine. Workshops are designed for youth completing 4-H project work in the areas of sheep, swine, working steer and horse. Horseless riders are welcome. Working Steer Try Outs for The Big E are being held Sunday morning at 10:00.
Anyone planning to attend any part of June Jamboree must pre-register and pay online due to insurance regulations. This includes participants, parents, and siblings, who will be present on the fairgrounds. All youth must attend with a parent or guardian.
The registration fee for the first member of a household will be $20. Family members residing at the same address may register for an additional $10 per person. The registration fee includes tent/camper space, meals, starting with breakfast Saturday morning through lunch on Sunday, and helps offset the cost of additional insurance, presenter fees and workshop supplies and materials. Check-in begins Friday evening after 5:00 P.M.
Workshops will include washing, clipping, showmanship, animal handling, marketing and learning activities around zoonotic diseases. Rabies vaccines and tagging for market animals will be available. It is mandatory for anyone planning to sell market lambs or market hogs at Fryeburg Fair to attend Saturday’s workshops in order to have their animals tagged.
If you are coming in only for Working Steer try outs on Sunday morning, you must still pre-register online. There is no registration fee if you are attending tryouts only. The registration fee for Working Steer participants who wish to eat in the dining hall for breakfast and lunch on Sunday only is $10.
For more information about Oxford County June Jamboree, please contact Becky at rebecca.mosley@maine.edu. This event is open to 4-H Families from all counties. Again, all adults and youth must pre-register online whether participating in workshops or not, due to insurance regulations. Registration is not complete until all forms have been returned to the Oxford County Extension Office, 9 Olson Road, South Paris ME 04281 Anyone wanting to request a reasonable accommodation should contact Rebecca Mosley at rebecca.mosley@maine.edu or 1.800.287.1482.