Farm Scoop – May 2014
University of Maine Cooperative Extension offers FREE Hayfield, Pasture Management Workshops
Rick Kersbergen, UMaine Extension educator in Waldo County, will lead the “Got Hayfields?” workshops, which focus on how to best manage hayfields and pastures to produce high-quality feed for livestock. Topics include weed control, managing soil fertility, hay and pasture renovation techniques, grazing management and basics of forage quality.
Workshops are scheduled for the following dates, times and locations:
- May 14, 5:30-7:30 p.m., UMaine Extension, 24 Main St., Lisbon Falls
- June 3, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Noon Family Sheep Farm, 78 Sunset Road, Springvale
Pre-registration is requested. To register, or to request a disability accommodation, call 1.800.287.1426, or visit the UMaine Extension Waldo County program page.
2014 FAMACHA Workshop
On Saturday, May 17 at 3:00 p.m. the North East Livestock Expo (NELE) in Windsor, attend a FAMACHA workshop, designed to equip sheep and goat producers with the skills and knowledge to determine the degree of infections of Haemonchus contorutus (barber pole worm). Cost PER FARM: $20.00 (enrolls multiple attendees). For more information or to enroll, please visit the Cumberland County program page
Pilot Farmers’ Market in Lisbon
The Town of Lisbon, under its Healthy Maine Streets initiative, is interested in starting a pilot Farmer’s Market for the 2014 season at the MTM Community Center at 18 School Street. If you are interested in participating in this exciting new market, please contact Economic & Community Development Director, Tracey Steuber.
There will be an informational meeting for all interested vendors on Tuesday, May 20th at 5:30 p.m. at the UMaine Cooperative Extension office located at 24 Main Street in Lisbon Falls. If you are interested, but unable to make this meeting, please let Tracey know.
UMaine Cooperative Extension offers 2014 Master Food Preserver Program
Master Food Preserver (MFP) volunteers serve to extend Extension’s educational programs in food preservation to adults and youth. The MFP Program includes 10 three-hour kitchen lab sessions in the Gorham Middle School, Family and Consumer Science Room, and the UMaine Cooperative Extension Cumberland County office in Falmouth.
Sessions will take place throughout the growing season from June – September, focusing on food preservation techniques including: canning, drying, freezing, fermenting and winter storage techniques.
Once MFPs have successfully completed the Program, they serve as a volunteer and resource in the community to provide the public with research-based information from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and USDA.
Details and application packets are available online at the Food Preservation – Master Food Preserver Program page.
The Andy Valley Successful Farmer Irrigation Workshop
This is the final session in a series of workshops for farmers in the Androscoggin Valley. Irrigation for Field and High Tunnel Production will cover state regulations, water budget, watering systems, drip irrigation, soil moisture monitoring, water conservation and related programs— May 6—All-day— Classroom session at Androscoggin/Sagadahoc Cooperative Extension Office, 24 Main Street, Lisbon Falls and on-site session at Six River Farm in Bowdoinham. Advanced Registration Required. To register contact: Jane Heikkinen at 207.753.9400 ext. 400 for a form or go to
Please notify us with any special accommodation needs by May 1. The cost for this workshop session is $15 per person. BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH . Scholarships are available for second person from the farm. Call at number above for scholarship details. Costs are able to remain minimal because of grant funding provided by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service under project#68-1218-13-17.
New UMaine Extension Garlic Website
Found as an important ingredient in many cuisines, garlic is an easy-to-grow, high value crop that is increasingly popular in Maine with farmers and gardeners. The UMaine Garlic Website will assist in all aspects of the garlic growing cycle.
Sign-Up for USDA Disaster Assistance Programs Restored by Farm Bill
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that starting today, eligible farmers and ranchers can sign up for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) disaster assistance programs restored by passage of the 2014 Farm Bill.
Depending on the size and type of farm or ranch operation, eligible producers can enroll in one of four programs administered by the Farm Service Agency. The Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP), and the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) will provide payments to eligible producers for livestock deaths and grazing losses that have occurred since the expiration of the livestock disaster assistance programs in 2011, and including calendar years 2012, 2013, and 2014. The Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP) provides emergency assistance to eligible producers of livestock, honeybees and farm-raised fish that have suffered losses because of disease, severe weather, blizzards and wildfires.
Producers signing up for these programs are encouraged to contact their local FSA office for information on the types of records needed and to schedule an appointment. Taking these steps in advance will help producers ensure their application moves through the process as quickly as possible.
Supporting documents may include livestock birth records, purchase and transportation receipts, photos and ownership records showing the number and type of livestock lost, documents listing the gallons of water transported to livestock during drought, and more. Crop records may include purchase receipts for eligible trees, bushes, or vines, seed and fertilizer purchases, planting and production records, and documentation of labor and equipment used to plant or remove eligible trees, bushes, or vines.
Producers have three to nine months to apply depending on the program and year of the loss. Details are available from any local FSA office.
For more information, producers may review the 2014 Farm Bill Fact Sheet, and the LIP, LFP, ELAP and TAP fact sheets online, or visit any local FSA office or USDA Service Center.
Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success Free Course for Farmers
The Farmers Market Federation of NY and the NY Farm Viability Institute are cosponsoring an online course in Marketing aimed at farmers called Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success. This program is funded by USDA SARE’s NE Professional Development Program and hosted by Cornell Cooperative Extension Broome County.
There is no charge for the course which can be taken by farmers at their convenience asynchronously and is accessible any time, day or night. Participants do not have to follow a specific schedule which makes it easier for farmers to participate since they can move through the course at their own pace.
The curriculum includes the following five components, or modules: Self-Assessment, Market Assessment, Customer Assessment, Communications Assessment, and Business Assessment. Within each module there are three sessions which include a video of each live presentation, Q & A documents, glossary of terms, links to additional resources, an online discussion forum, homework assignments, and a quiz. By completing all five modules, farmers will be able to learn essential marketing skills to analyze their personal and business capacity, determine optimal marketing channels, build their customer base, and increase their sales and profits. After completing the course, participants will have all the knowledge needed to create their complete farm business and marketing plan.
Successful completion of all sessions within each of the 5 components including the assignments and quizzes will earn the participant a Certificate of Achievement. In addition, farmers who complete the course in its entirety will be eligible for borrower training credits through the USDA Farm Services Agency.
To register for this free online curriculum to help farmers increase their marketing skills and grow their business, go to the Marketing for Profit: Tools for Success page.
For more information on the curriculum, or on using the course to qualify for borrower training credits, please contact the Farmers Market Federation office at 315.637.4690.

UMaine Extension Tick I.D. Lab
The University of Maine Cooperative Extension Pest Management Office has started a new tick identification lab. The PMO has always identified ticks with averaging around 50 or so specimens a year. The bulk of Maine’s tick identifications were done at the Maine Medical Center Research Institute in Scarborough. There, they processed up to 1300 samples per year, looking at tick distribution and occurrence of Lyme disease as well as other tick borne problems.
As of Dec 31, 2013 they stopped this part of their research and approached the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Pest Management Office to take over the I.D. part of this service. A website, as well as a submission program/online form, were quickly established, and a $10 fee per tick for ID instated. To ensure quick turnaround time on specimens, an extensive day-long training was held at PMO for tick ID of the 14 species found in Maine. The program came online the first week April, and the first tick specimens are now being submitted. Please go online to view the new website and find the submission form.
Pollinator Protection – A very important topic for growers, commercial beekeepers and pesticide applicators
In 2012, David Yarborough, University of Maine Wild Blueberry Specialist, said, “There are usually about 55,000 hives trucked in each spring from places as far away as Florida, Texas and California.” With anywhere from 20,000 to 40,000 bees per hive, that’s a billion bees. Without these pollinators Maine’s wild blueberry crop yields would suffer. Many other crops also rely on pollinators, especially our fruits and vegetables.
Nationwide, honey bee colonies have been declining in recent years due to several factors, including parasitic mites, viruses, fungal diseases, malnutrition, lack of genetic diversity and improper use of pesticides. The overwintering losses have averaged in the 30% range over the last seven seasons (see graph below courtesy of This level of decline is not sustainable.
The prevailing theory among scientists in the EPA, USDA and global scientific and regulatory community is that the general declining health of honey bees is related to complex interactions among multiple stressors including:
- pests (e.g., varroa mite), pathogens (e.g., the bacterial disease American foulbrood) and viruses.
- poor nutrition (e.g., due to loss of foraging habitat and increased reliance on supplemental diets);
- pesticide exposure;
- bee management practices (e.g., long migratory routes to support pollination services); and
- lack of genetic diversity.
Growers, commercial beekeepers and pesticide applicators in Maine must work together to help stem this tide of pollinator decline. The Board of Pesticide Control’s website now has a web page to provide growers and applicators with resources to help reduce the risk of pesticide applications affecting pollinators (see link below).
We all need to know which pesticides and adjuvants are toxic to pollinators and how to reduce the potential for pollinator exposure when we use those products. Of course the most risky products are insecticides, but there are some combinations of insecticides and fungicides or certain types of surfactants that appear to be toxic to bees and other pollinators in either their adult or larval stages.
Some products (neonicotinoid and diamide insecticides at first) will have new label warnings that include this “bee icon” on the label. It is extremely important for growers and applicators to follow the restrictions on those labels very carefully. Other labels will continue to have language that restricts application during bloom or when bees (or other pollinators) are foraging on flowering crops or adjacent weeds. Of course those restrictions are equally binding.
Other important practices that pesticide applicators should follow to protect pollinators include:
- Avoiding unnecessary pesticide applications by following integrated pest management practices
- Choosing pesticides carefully – see How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from Pesticides
- Application of pollinator toxic pesticides (PTP) at night or when temperatures are under 45 degrees F
- Delaying application of PTP until after full petal fall
- Avoiding tank mixes, especially with insecticide-miticide or insecticide-fungicide combinations
- Avoiding spills or splashes that leave pesticides in puddles or standing water
- Notifying beekeepers within 2 – 3 miles of your application site prior to PTP applications
- Avoiding multiple applications of systemic insecticides on potted nursery plants
- Avoiding use of organo-silicone surfactants around bloom periods – see Compendium of Herbicide Adjuvants
- Proper planting of treated seed to avoid creation of toxic dusts
The Board’s new Pollinator Protection web resource page provides additional information.
Additional resources:
- Preventing or Mitigating Potential Negative Impacts of Pesticides on Pollinators Using Integrated Pest Management and Other Conservation Practices: USDA Agronomy Technical Note #9
- Report on the National Stakeholders Conference on Honey Bee Health:
- Managed Pollinator CAP-Coordinated Agricultural Project:
- Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program – Pollinator Protection:
- EPA Pollinator Protection:
If you have any questions, please contact us at .