Farm Tractor Safety Course

Farmer on tractorParticipants will learn how to handle tractors and equipment safely, how to identify hazards, and how to minimize the chances of accidents. The course is open to all adults and youth interested. A Federal Certificate of Training will be issued at the end of the course after successful completion of the written test and driving course and with attendance requirements met. This certificate is required for 14- and 15-year-olds who plan to operate farm equipment for hire on farms other than their own.

Course Information


  • In-person lectures, hands-on demonstrations, and tractor driving.
  • Additional reading and coursework outside of class time. Note: participants will need access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone to complete some homework assignments.
  • Final written exam and driving test

Textbook: National Safety Tractor and Machinery Operation Program manual, free with registration

Registration for the 2024 Tractor Safety Class is now closed.

For more information:

**Tractor Safety Video Series

Sign up to be included on the Farm Tractor Safety Interest List:

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