Aroostook County 4-H Newsletter: September 2018
Dates to Remember
September 13 4-H Leaders Association meeting 6pm via zoom
September 14-30 The Big E – West Springfield, MA
October 2 Project Records are due in all offices by 4:30 p.m.
October 3-14 TSC Fall 4-H Paper Clover Event
October 11 Project Record Judging in Presque Isle at 5:00 p.m.
November 1 4-H Achievement Celebration 5:30 pm
Happy Birthday to all 4-Hers born in September
Aubrie P
Ben C
Chelsea H
Johanna F
Justin S
Landin L
Laura M
Mary DM
Sophia G
Stephen M
Club News
‘Paca Pals
This last month (or so) has been busy with haying and Food Booth and the NMF. Most of our members were there for Leader’s Day and Paca Pal’s Day in the Food Booth and we had a great time. The Alpaca Show at the NMF was a several hour event, and we were served a wonderful lunch! The members did Showmanship, Obstacle Course, Costumes and Speeches for their show. Here are some of the events…
- Club members receiving their ribbons for the costume portion of the Alpaca Show.
- Club showing their support to the youngest cloverbud as she delivers her speech.
- Juniors during the Showmanship event
- Here are the members in their new club shirts before the show
4-H Family PACT
Previously known as the “The 4-H Market Hogs Club” has changed our name. We are now the “4-H Family P.ositive A.dventurous C.ommunity T.eam.” Our club members feel we are not just blood family but a family in 4-H. Family is defined as a group of people united by certain convictions. That sounds like us. It has been a busy couple of months. We made tie-dye t-shirts, first aide/survival kits, artwork and community service at the fair grounds. Bethany D. and Shannel B. helped with the hog barn, painting, and Exhibit hall. Our youngest member Dani G. thought it would be fun to clean stalls and pass out ribbons at the Baby Beef show. We spent a lot of time at the fair and took part in the 4-H/FFA day. Our final activity in August was the Balloon Festival. This month we plan to go on a nature hike and have a picnic at the state park. In October we will be learning about what harvest has to bring, go apple picking and to the corn maze at Goughan Farms.
Ultra Clover
A member of our club, Ultra Clover, Mallory Williams won State Champion in 4D Barrels a couple of weeks ago and earned a wild card slot at the Worlds as a result. Mallory decided to campaign Smart Lil Cannon early this spring as not only a barrel horse but as an all around performance horse and has done fantastic with taking a young horse who really didn’t know much about any of these disciplines to a shining star. She is still competing in Regional Barrel competitions with him.
Stem Exploration Day
June 26th, 2018
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Explorations Day was a brand-new program developed through a partnership of Aroostook County 4-H, the Cooperative Extension, and UMPI. Aroostook county students, in grades 7-11, were invited to attend a special day on the UMPI campus in late June. During this day UMPI Faculty and 4-H staff guided them through hands-on explorations in bird identification, geology samples, soil investigations, and DNA extraction. The 10 young ladies and one gentleman who attended enjoyed working with real equipment on an actual university campus and loved getting the small group time with college professors. All of the students expressed a strong desire to attend any future STEM events that UMPI and 4-H hosted.
Coding Camp
July 9th -13th, 2018
Coding Camp: My two 4-H volunteers and I were joined by 12 middle school students for an entire week of coding, team building, and physical games and activities centered around computational thinking. We were joined for two days by Ben Seegee, who works for the UMaine Learn to Mod project, and by Sabrina De Los Santos, a Research Associate with the STEM Education Evaluation Center of TERC. During our week I also invited members of the community to come in and describe how they utilize computers during their work day. The computer programs and training were part of a National Science Foundation Grant and our county 4-H provided nutritious snacks each day.
Just for Boys Camp
This camp is targeted to boys, aged 7-12, who have minimal positive male role models in their life. Most of the boys come from homes below the poverty level with high school being the highest educational level of parental figures. The daily camp is three weeks long and is free for the 30+ boys who participate. When boys age out of the camp they can then become junior mentors and still attend. This year’s theme was Under Construction – a building based theme. The first week was an entomology unit and we built model insects and insect habitats. The second week we engineered prototype sailing craft and the third week we had a series of STEM building challenges and investigated our insect habitats.
University College Houlton Summer Literacy Program:
UCHoulton invited Aroostook County 4-H to create and teach two programs for their summer literacy time. The first program was centered on geology and identifying rocks by igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic. The second program was creating maracas and learning traditional American music songs.
- The Northern Maine fair has just wrapped up and we are looking towards the end of year paperwork.
- Project records will be due in the Presque Isle office and Houlton office no later than October 2, 2018.
Please help me welcome five new leaders to 4-H: LouAnne Langley (4-H Family PACT), Nancy Pytlak (The County Equestrians), Matthew McKenna (Baby Beef), Roy Little (The County Equestrians), and Lisa Kelly (The County Equestrians).
Aroostook County 4-H Leaders Association meeting
Thursday, September 13, 2018 at 6pm Via Zoom.
We will be discussing; NMF Food booth checks/profit/loss, fundraisers, upcoming year and more. If you have anything you would like to add please email Joe Boyce at
4-H Market Animal Projects
Baby Beef and Market Hogs:
If you would like to raise an animal for auction, please contact the person next to the animal you would like to raise.
- Baby Beef members must be 10 years old before January 1, 2019. Baby Beef members should be looking now to find a suitable animal. Should be born between February and May of 2-18. It is preferred that the animal be 100% beef but can have no more than ¼ dairy, however it must look like a beef steer. Animals must be in the barn no later than December 23, 2018. The auction takes place at the Northern Maine Fair. Contact information: email Alana at or Nicki at
- Market Hog members must be 9 years old before January 1, 2019. Market hogs must be born in December 2018. Market Hogs must be in the barn before March 15, 2019. The auction takes place at the Northern Maine Fair. If you would like your child’s name added to the club please email Leisa at
Project Record Judging
Judging of the project records will be on Thursday, October 11, 2018 at the Presque Isle Cooperative Extension office. Leaders and volunteers are encouraged to please help with this. Judging records gives us insight into what kids are working on and new ideas to discover what might help them improve. The youth put so much time and effort into doing their projects and records, as leaders and volunteers it will be great to support them in their growth. There will be a short training on how to judge the records, so please don’t let that stop you from helping. Thank you.
Achievement Celebration
Thursday, November 1, 2018, Time 5:30 p.m. Shriner Club, Presque Isle
Watch for updates in next month’s newsletter
On this night we celebrate 4-H achievements. Awards are given out for the Exhibitor of Character, project records, Public Speaking Contest, and the Bartlett Sign Contest. Come out, bring your family, and enjoy the evening. The Aroostook County Extension Association (ACEA) is planning a nice dinner for all who attend. Children are free and adults will be a minimal cost. We will be having dinner and then the 4-H achievement portion; 4-Hers and their families will be able to leave before the ACEA business meeting starts.
Paper Clover Promotion
The Fall 2018 Paper Clover Fundraiser is coming October 3-14, 2018!
Please be thinking about bringing your club out to take part in this event. Clubs can bring animals, do a fundraiser, or sell food. The Tractor Supply Company appreciates clubs helping with this event. If you would like to participate please contact Leisa for the Presque Isle event and Mari for the Houlton event. Don’t forget to wear your club 4-H t-shirt.
The Mane Event Horse Show Grand Champions
4-H Horse Show
4-H Senior English Grand Champion Izzy H.
Reserve Champion Anna R.
4-H Junior English Grand Champion Madison B.
Reserve Champion Paige B.
4-H Senior Western Grand Champion Izzy H.
Reserve Champion Brooke M.
4-H Junior Western Grand Champion Paige B.
4-H Senior Games Grand Champion Brooke M.
Reserve Champion Baileigh M.
4-H Junior Games Grand Champion Mallory W.
Reserve Champion Meg R.
4-H Walk Trot Grand Champion Makayla G.
Reserve Champion Krayton H.
4-H Walk Trot Games Grand Champion Makayla G.
Reserve Champion Mikayla L.
Northern Maine Fair Results Grand Champions
4-H Goat Show
Grand Champion Amanda W.
4-H Baby Beef Show
Grand Champion Lila M.
Reserve Champion Ellie G.
4-H Sheep Show
Grand Champion Amanda W.
4-H Horse Show
4-H Senior English Grand Champion Anna R
Reserve Champion Ashlyn B
4-H Junior English Grand Champion Izzy H
Reserve Champion Mallory W
4-H Senior Western Grand Champion Samantha F
Reserve Champion Anna R
4-H Junior Western Grand Champion Izzy H
Reserve Champion Megan R
4-H Senior Games Grand Champion Anna R
Reserve Champion Brooklynne M
4-H Junior Games Grand Champion Mallory W
Reserve Champion Alison S
4-H Walk Trot Grand Champion Makayla G.
Reserve Champion Krayton H.
4-H Walk Trot Games Grand Champion Makayla G.
Reserve Champion Mikayla L.
Public Speaking Event
1st Place Senior- Amanda W.
2nd Place Senior- Alex R.
3rd Place Senior- Mesha B.
1st Place Junior- Grace K.
2nd Place Junior- Jackie R
4-H Club Exhibits Contest
1st Place AV Dairy 4-H Club
AG Olympics Fun
We had three teams who participated in the games on 4-H/FFA Day. Team #1 Frankie, Julia, Charlie, Aubrey P. Team #2 Sidney & Brody S., Amanda W. and Katelyn A. Team #3 Brooke & Baileigh M., Macie B and Mia C.
State 4-H News
- 4-H National Youth Science Day in Maine
This year’s NYSD experiment is “Code Your World” and is based in computer science. No prior experience with computer science is needed — we promise! Here are some things you may be interested to know. Want to learn more about leading “Code Your World” with your 4-H club or at a community event? Join us for a train the-trainer workshop, offered via Zoom, on September 26th. Times are either 2:00-3:30 or 7:00-8:30. This training is open to staff, volunteers, teen leaders, and community partners interested in leading the ‘Code Your World’ experiment. RSVP here. If you are interested in being kept up to date as more trainings/events are scheduled, sign up here and we will include you on our contact list. - Fryeburg Fair Challenge
Fryeburg Fair will be from September 30th to October 7ththis year. The Maine 4-H Foundation will have a booth once again on the fairgrounds designed to raise funds for 4-H agriculture education. If the Foundation can raise $10,000, the Maine 4-H Foundation will receive another matching grant from Fryeburg Fair for $10,000! This is where volunteers and 4-H Members can help. We can use volunteers and clubs in the booth and around the booth helping to raise funds. If you are willing to help, please call Susan at 615-7300 for details. - 4-H Volunteers! We’d love your feedback on Project Records!
You are invited to participate in a statewide research project being conducted by Kristy Ouellette and Jennifer Lobley, Extension Educators at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. 4-H volunteers and staff from all over Maine will participate in this study. You must be 18 years old or older to participate in this focus group. Purpose of this research project:We recognize the value of our 4-H volunteers. As a state we are rolling out new 4-H Project Records. We want to have a better understanding of your beliefs and understandings of the function of these records. What will you be asked to do? There will bee eight focus groups to choose from. These focus groups will occur using Zoom, a video conference software so you can join the session from your personal computer or by phone. Up to 12 volunteers can participate in each session. If you decide to participate, you will be asked to participate in an online focus group with questions pertaining to your attitudes and beliefs regarding 4-H project records in Maine. The focus group will take you approximately 45-60 minutes. Compensation: By participating in the focus group you will be eligible to enter a drawing for a Hannaford Gift Card. Upon completion, focus group participants will be given access to a link to a form where you will enter the drawing. Register online. - Cumberland Fair 4-H Dog Show Open to All Maine 4-H Dog Project Members
The Cumberland Fair 4-H Dog Show will be held on Friday, September 28, 3:30 P.Mat the Cumberland Fairgrounds, 197 Blanchard Rd, Cumberland, ME 04062. This show is open to all Maine 4-H members between the ages of 9 and 18, enrolled in the 4-H Dog Project as of April 1st, regardless of prior show experience. Showmanship (Novice through Advanced) and Obedience (Pre-Novice though Graduate Novice) are the primary award winning classes. There will also be a fun, non-competitive obstacle class. All classes are judged using the Danish System and all award winning classes come with a ribbon and premium. FMI or to register visit Cumberland Fair. Questions, please contact Sara Conant,, 207-781-6099.