When is the best time to seed a lawn and what type of grass is best?
My husband and I are building a new home in Kennebunkport (Cape Porpoise). We are finally getting close to completion and are wondering about seeding the lawn. Should we wait until spring? Or will the grass have time to grown and harden off before winter so that it will survive? Is there a specific type of grass that you think would be best?
Because you’re in southern Maine, you can do this through the whole month of September. In fact, it will be very important to stabilize the soil to prevent erosion and runoff before hard winter rains. If you’re near the coast, lake, or river, be very careful with fertilizers since they’re a major source of pollutants.
We have a lot of very good information about preparing and establishing home lawns (and renovating existing ones) in the Lawn section of our Yard & Garden website. The site also has information you may want later about Plants for the Maine Landscape.
You’ll notice that we recommend a soil test. You can go ahead and do the soil prep and test the soil later if you’re short on time. Soil pH is particularly important for a healthy lawn, but you can adjust it later if needed. Contact your local UMaine Extension county office if you’d like some test kits sent to you.