How can we make our wild blueberry patch weed free and healthy?


Wild blueberry patchWe live on Little Deer Isle and are writing with a question about growing Maine wild blueberries. We have a patch approximately 15’x40′ that we had transplanted two years ago. We have added peat moss and sulphur, but the plants are not thriving. The patch abuts a field. We are having a dreadful time keeping out weeds and last year the grasses in the blueberries increased. We are desperate for assistance in making this area weed free and healthy. If someone could help us we would be glad to pay for services.


Tori Lee Jackson, Extension Professor of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Wild blueberry patches require regular maintenance to prevent weeds from taking over. It is generally recommended to transplant wild blueberry sod (and not just plants) into a home landscape so that fully intact root systems go with the plants and fewer weeds are already established. Establishment and Management of the Cultivated Lowbush Blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) is a helpful article describing the best way to get a new planting started. My first suggestion would be to do a soil test in this area to be sure your pH and nutrient levels are appropriate for wild blueberries. Weeds are a major concern for commercial producers as well, and are one of the main reasons those fields are burned or mowed every other year. You can learn more about weed management in wild blueberries on our website. It may be helpful to check out this Home Garden Lowbush Blueberry Planting Guide for best practices on maintaining them in your home landscape.