What would be plants that would grow well on a leach field and in naturalized areas near my camp?


I have a camp with the eastern edge bordering the lake. I would like to maintain the inland section as a more natural area, but may need to install a septic system leach field which imposes some constraints. I am also completely lacking in knowledge about what options I have, pitfalls, opportunities, etc. Can you point me at any resources that would help me? 


Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional

We don’t handle leach fields themselves, but I can offer some information on plants appropriate to grow on a leach field, as well a couple of resources on Maine native plants for naturalized areas (for any spots that wouldn’t include the leach field).

Re: leach field plants.

UMaine Cooperative Extension Ask an Expert “What can I plant over a leach field?”

UMaine Cooperative Extension Ask an Expert “What can you plant on top of and around the septic system?”

Re: Maine native plants for naturalized areas.

UMaine Cooperative Extension Bulletin #2500, Gardening to Conserve Maine’s Native Landscape

UMaine Cooperative Extension Homepage for Plants for the Maine Landscape (please pay particular attention to the plant lists categorized by conditions at the bottom–this will help you choose for your site)

You might check with your local ME Soil and Water Conservation District office for more advice on putting in a leach field along a lake.

Good luck with the project and happy gardening.