What do you think is eating the leaves of my violets?


This morning I found the leaves of native violets that I have planted to be eaten up almost completely! I’m trying to establish a native garden. What do you think is eating them? And do you have any suggestions for me to deter this so the violets can take hold?


Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional

There are numerous herbivorous predators who may have eaten the violet leaves, and without any other evidence, it’s tough to say which it might have been. From the Penn State Univ Extension page “Native Violets”:

“Indeed, violets attract many other forms of wildlife who delight in their seeds, leaves, and rhizomes. These include songbirds, wild turkeys, grouse, bobwhites, mourning doves, and mice, among other small mammals. The leaves host the larvaelabradorica for several caterpillar species, including the great-spangled fritillary (Speyeria cybele), the meadow fritillary (Boloria bellona), the Aphrodite (Speyeria aphrodite), and the variegated fritillary (Euptoieta claudia).”

You might also look for slugs, who enjoy violet leaves, too, and often helpfully leave slime trails as evidence.

I’m sorry not to have a clear answer for you, but this should at least give you some common culprits to be on the lookout for. Fortunately, violets are pretty resilient, easy to come by, and any survivors will spread/reproduce rapidly.

Happy gardening.