Managing Insect, Diseases, and Animal Pests

Why are the leaves turning brown on my Sunburst Locust tree?

Question: Some branches of leaves are turning brown on my Sunburst Locust tree. There are no webs so I’ve kind of ruled out the webworm. What could be causing the problem?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional There are a number of reasons why tree leaves can brown, both biotic (e.g., pests and pathogens) […]

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How should I treat the yellow dots on my Turtlehead plant?

Question: There are yellow dots on the leaves of my Turtlehead plant. I sprayed neem oil solution but not sure if that will prevent more from spreading. Should I prune infected leaves? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional I’m sorry to say I don’t immediately recognize these spots, nor did a quick bit of […]

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Were the black speckles on my mint plants rust?

Question: I had a mint plant that was spreading and I noticed that all of it seemed to have black speckles on it. I think it might be rust? So I pulled up what I could, bagged it and threw it away. Could it have been something else? Should I be concerned?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, […]

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Why are the pine needles turning yellow and dropping in my area?

Question: Many of my pine trees and many others in the area have turned unusually yellow and are dropping huge amounts of needles. I don’t remember ever seeing it this bad. Is this something I need to be concerned about? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional There are numerous reasons why a white pine […]

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Why are the leaves on my lilac wilting?

Question: My usually healthy lilac has been wilting. It flowered as usual, but the wilting is getting worse. Do you have any ideas what would cause this and how to treat it? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional I’m sorry to hear your lilac is under the weather. Unfortunately, there are a number of […]

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Is there a remedy to the damaged leaves on my tomatillo?

Question: I’m trying to figure out what is going on with the leaves of my tomatillos. They were started from seeds inside a friend’s home and leaves started looking damaged about two weeks before they were given to me to transplant. Is it a fungus, or blight? It doesn’t seem to be bugs. Regular tomatoes […]

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What is eating the leaves on my apple trees?

Question: Something is eating the apple trees. They have bloomed, but the leaves are being attacked. Can you help determine what is eating them/how to get them to stop? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional There are numerous pests that can chew on apple leaves, and without other identifying clues it’s tough to say. […]

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