Managing Insect, Diseases, and Animal Pests

What kind of animal or bird would remove wasp nests?

Question: We found wasp nests had been removed from under our porches and similar areas. The nests were empty of larva. We’re wondering what kind of animal would do this? Perhaps a bird that will do this?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional It’s always handy when nature takes care of wasps in inconvenient […]

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How do I identify a pathogen effecting an established lilac?

Question: I am looking to identify the pathogen effecting half of an established lilac in a coastal town.  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional None of the typical lilac ailments leap out as an obvious culprit. But the combination of necrotic leaf tips and margins, and the obvious chlorosis (the pronounced yellowing of the leaves […]

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What do you think is eating the leaves of my violets?

Question: This morning I found the leaves of native violets that I have planted to be eaten up almost completely! I’m trying to establish a native garden. What do you think is eating them? And do you have any suggestions for me to deter this so the violets can take hold? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home […]

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What critter is making holes in my flower bed?

Question: I’m curious to learn what you folks might think may be the cause for something in and adjacent to one of our flower beds. Last fall, we noticed a mound in the bed. It’s about 1.5′ x 2′ x 4″. The mound is at an end of the bed next to a flagstone patio […]

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Why are my curly parsley plants dying?

Question: Some of my curly parsley plants are yellowing and dying. This happened two years ago. I lost them all. Dug some up and the roots seemed fine. No bugs of any kind that I can see. Last year, I changed planting locations and they all did great. This year, some are starting to die […]

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How do I treat a fungal infection on the clover in my lawn?

Question: I have what appears to be a fungal infection in my clover lawn. I need help identifying it and advise for the proper fungicide. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional I’m sorry to hear about the clover problems. I believe it’s likely you’re looking at powdery mildew, a common clover ailment in red […]

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Why are my mature highbush blueberry plants not producing berries?

Question: I have mature highbush blueberry plants. This year there is FAR fewer berries than in the previous 26 years. I’ve also noticed that several berries (but not all) are dying before they ripen. This seems to happen when they are still white, before turning purple. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional I’m sorry […]

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What can I do to get rid of voles in the garden?

Question: My vegetable garden is overwhelmed with voles. They are living in three of my four raised beds. I’ve tried Mole Max repellent to keep them out of the garden but they are still coming in. What can I do to get rid of them? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional I’m very sorry […]

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What is the grayish white growth on my lilac trees?

Question: I have two 20-year-old lilac trees that have a gray-white fungus all over it’s bark, both old and new growth. It is silky to touch. I have taken out some dead branches and it seems as though some of the foliage is dying in places. Is this something I should be concerned about? Is […]

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