Garden Design and Maintenance

What are recommendations for using arborist chips in a vegetable garden?

Question: Please provide recommendations for using arborist chips in a vegetable garden for plants and seeds. Answer: Abi Griffith, Horticulture Community Education Assistant Wood chips are really great for mulching in perennial beds, around raspberries or high bush blueberries, on permanent walkways or between raised beds to help with weed suppression and water retention. They […]

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Is it legal to transplant peonies from Maryland to Maine?

Question: Is it legal to transplant peonies from Maryland to property that I am purchasing in Maine?  I don’t want to leave behind my heirloom peonies, but I don’t want to cause environmental harm or break any laws. Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional First of all welcome to Maine!  I think […]

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What can you plant on top of and around the septic system?

Question: This fall we had to replace our septic system. We’re left with a dramatically different backyard and a gardening challenge. What can I plant on top of and around this system? The sun exposure is at times in direct sun for several hours. Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional What can […]

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Is it safe to water vegetables in well water that contains arsenic?

Question: I have arsenic in my well water.  Is it safe to eat vegetables that were grown in that environment, watered with well water containing arsenic? Answer: Marjorie Peronto, Extension Educator I assume that you’ve had your water tested and know the concentration level of arsenic.  As you will see in these two fact sheets, it is considered […]

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Can you suggest a short shrub that will attract birds?

Question: I am interested in planting a shrub or two in my yard that will attract multiple kinds of birds. I would prefer the shrub to grow no taller than 8 feet in height. My yard has sunny and shady areas. Do you have any suggestions? Answer: Vina Lindley, Food Systems and Home Horticulture Professional […]

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What’s the best way to overwinter plants I’m propagating?

Question: I would like to know the proper way to overwinter plants I’m propagating. I have one pot with five Cardinal Flowers (to divide for a Spring plant sale), two pots with ornamental shrubs (from cuttings made last Spring), and three pots with apple rootstock (less than a pencil width that were pulled and potted […]

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Is it good to leave fallen leaves in the garden over winter?

Question: Is it good to leave fallen leaves in the garden over the winter? Is it beneficial? When can they be raked up in the spring? Answer: Viña Lindley, Food Systems & Home Horticulture Professional Absolutely, leaves make a great mulch since they’re free, readily available, and full of nutrients that release slowly over time.  […]

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Should asparagus plants be cut back in the fall?

Question: Should asparagus plants be cut back in the fall after they’ve turned yellow? I read that they should be cut just under the top of the soil, but wanted to confirm this information. Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional  Once the asparagus tops have yellowed their work is done for the […]

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