Ask the Expert

When and how should I treat my spruce trees infected with adelgid?

Question: I have three spruces (weeping, dwarf Alberta, and dwarf blue) all within a few feet from each other in a dwarf conifer section of my garden. I’ve been told by a local tree service that the damage I see on them is due to Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid and Eastern Spruce Gall Adelgid. I’ve […]

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How can I eliminate Coltsfoot from my asparagus patch?

Question: How can I eliminate Coltsfoot from my asparagus patch? I tried digging it out by the roots, but that made it spread more. It has also invaded my blueberry bushes. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  Coltsfoot can be quite a pain when it gets established. Physical removal can help reduce the weed’s presence, […]

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Why did my alliums die?

Question: A few autumns ago, I planted two allium bulbs in my garden–a gladiator and schubertii. They’ve come up each year and seemed healthy. This year, both started to grow and then stopped, and all of the foliage shriveled up and died, including a flower bud that had already started on one. I know this […]

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Should we use wood chips to battle rugosa rose in our yard?

Question: We are battling rugosa rose in our yard.  We cut back and covered a 20 x 20 section with black plastic for two years.  Now, we are not sure the best way to cover that area and prevent the rose, which is still nearby, from taking over again. We do not want to use […]

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Is it safe to use nematodes for a white grub infestation?

Question: I have a white grub infestation in one of my perennial gardens. Am I safe to use nematodes without damaging my plants or harming bees? Everything I read supports the use of these beneficial organisms and that they are safe to both plants and animals and as long as I do not spray on […]

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How do you properly care for Butterfly Weed?

Question:  How do you properly care for Butterfly Weed? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  As you probably know, Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) is a close relative of the more well-known Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca); both are favored by many pollinators, especially the Monarch Butterfly. Please refer to the excellent resources listed below for information […]

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Was it a weather event that killed branches on my Redhaven peach tree?

Question: Was it a weather event last winter which killed the terminal (fruiting) branches on our Redhaven peach? If so, due you have the dates narrowed down?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  Indeed, it was our combination of generally mild winter and a late brutal cold snap that is wreaking havoc on the peach […]

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Why did my forsythias not bloom this spring?

Question: I have been noticing that many forsythia are not blooming well this spring. Many bushes with very little yellow, some just with yellow at the bottom. Last spring, I saw many large thickets covered top to bottom in bright yellow blooms in yards and roadsides. Is there a reason the forsythia are not beginning […]

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Is the hosta disease, HVX, a problem in Maine?

Question: Is the hosta disease, HVX, a problem in Maine? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  As you may know, Hosta Virus X is a contagious pathogen among hostas that causes disfiguring/unsightly leaf mottling, texturing, and, in extreme cases, tissue death. Not all cultivars are equally susceptible, and symptoms can be subtle in some hostas, […]

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Do I need to increase the copper and iron levels in my soil?

Question: Last year I had a soil test done through the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. The copper and iron levels were a bit low (copper=0.10/ iron-2.7). Do I need to increase these levels? How would I do that? I’ve read that the soil pH level affects uptake of these micronutrients. My soil pH is […]

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