Ask the Expert

What apple varieties do recommend for Zone 5?

Question: We just bought a place in Sweden, Maine, zone 5a, with Adams type soil/outwash sand and I’m looking to plant a few apple trees. What varieties of apple would you recommend? It’s not an exposed site; fairly sheltered from wind. We will be clearing an area for the trees. Answer: We have a lot […]

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Can beneficial nematodes help control Japanese beetles?

Question: I have read that beneficial nematodes may be helpful in controlling a Japanese beetle infestation that is attacking my vegetables, flowers, and shrubs. If so, what kind should I be looking for? Where can I get them? How are they applied? Answer: Here’s information from Maine’s YardScaping Program, including links to a nematode fact […]

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How often should I water my vegetable garden?

Question: We live in South Portland and there is a drought at the moment. How often should we water our vegetable garden? Answer: Ideally, 1.25 to 1.5 inches of rain per week is enough for most gardens. A rain gauge can help you decide when to water. It’s good to get water down to 5-6 […]

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Is there a guide for growing peach trees in Maine?

Question: I am growing peach trees here in Wiscasset, Maine. I have never grown them and I am learning the hard way. Is there a guide book or publication of what to do and when? Answer: They can be a challenge, but many home orchardists find the effort worthwhile. We have a good amount of […]

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What caused my sweet corn to be undersized and taste starchy?

Question: Our corn crop was disappointing. We could feel that ears weren’t filling out very well, so we waited a little longer than usual. When we picked them, they were starchy and not very sweet. The few ears that were sweet were about 3/4 filled out. What might have caused this? (Spring/Summer 2020) Answer: There […]

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How do I get rid of poison ivy?

Question: I am building on a three-acre piece of land that is covered in poison ivy. The land is surrounded by forest but is basically an open field. What would be my best approach to eradicating it from the field areas, keeping in mind that children and animals will be playing there? Answer: The first […]

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How do I prep my strawberry bed for winter?

Question: How do I prep my strawberry bed for winter? Answer: Much depends on whether you have June bearing strawberries or day neutral strawberries, and how old the planting is. Generally speaking, mulch should be applied over strawberries in the late fall between Thanksgiving and Christmas to protect the plants from extreme winter cold and […]

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Do you recommend adding rock dust to organic home gardens?

Question: Do you recommend adding rock dust to organic home gardens? Over the years I have occasionally added Greensand. How does Greensand differ from Azomite? Do you recommend either or both? This question pertains to my garden in Jackson, NH, and my son’s in Freeport, ME. Answer: I recommend that you and your son submit […]

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