Ask the Expert

How can you treat an Alleghany Viburnam that dropped leaves?

Question: Alleghany Viburnam dropped leaves which turned brown and curled up. I don’t know if this is an insect or fungus problem or something else. How can I fix? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional I’m not sure from the wording of your question if the leaves browned and curled before or after dropping. […]

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When is the the last spring frost in Hancock County and first fall frost?

Question: When is the the last spring frost in Hancock County and first fall frost? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional The short answer is somewhere in the neighborhood of May 6th for last and October 2nd for first. Longer answer: as you no doubt know, frost dates are always an informed guess kind […]

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How can I turn my backyard into a new vegetable garden?

Question: I am looking to turn an open area in my backyard into a new vegetable/cut flower garden. It is currently grass and blueberries that haven’t produced fruit in years and have been being mowed back a few time a year most years. I know I need to do a soil test (and am planning […]

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What created this cocoon on a beach plum?

Question: I recently discovered this growth/cocoon on a young beach plum. It is only about 5/8″ long and at first assumed it to be some kind of cocoon given the perfectly round opening, only it appears to the be the same woody material as growing on the beach plum (or perhaps very well camouflaged). Any […]

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Is it too soon to plant radishes in an unheated hoop house?

Question: We have an unheated hoop house that I’m wondering if it’s too soon to be planting radishes in now? I know they are a cool weather crop, but is this too soon? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional It does depend a bit on your hoop house set up, but if you can […]

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What is the best soil for growing Lavender?

Question: I am looking for a plot of land in Maine that is suitable for a lavender farm. Do you know where the best land/soil would be for that? And do you have any other tips on what to look for?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional Generally, our team works to advise home […]

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What type of shade trees would be suitable to plant beside the ocean?

Question: Recent storms have severely damaged two spruce at our camp. We are at ocean’s edge on granite. The soil is two feet at best in depth. The site increasingly is hit with salt water several times a year. Spruce bud worm has infected the trees that are presently there. Can you recommend another species […]

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Do our White Pines have root rot and do they need to be removed?

Question: I understand that the wet summer and heavy rains are causing root-rot in the white pines. We have lots of them sitting in marine clay. The clay is oozing up around several in our backyard. I assume the roots are rotting and the tree is at risk of toppling? I guess the trees are […]

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