Ask the Expert

How do I plan a flower garden?

Question: I am looking to start a flower garden and wanting advice on size, seed and what to plant. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional The UNH Extension has a great resource for homeowners on controlling crabgrass, including a nice summation of the corn gluten situation: Now that our growing season is winding down, this […]

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What are the current thoughts on using corn gluten to discourage crab grass?

Question: What are the current thoughts on using corn gluten to discourage crab grass? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional The UNH Extension has a great resource for homeowners on controlling crabgrass, including a nice summation of the corn gluten situation: “Some gardeners swear by the use of corn gluten as an organic pre-emergent herbicide, […]

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How do you dispose of trees that have an Emerald Ash Borer infestation?

Question: We have five Green Ash trees planted in 2018 that are now completely dead and the trunks are full of exit holes. I have never seen an Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) on the plants. They are scheduled for removal and replacement with apple trees. Considering the concern around EAB, are there removal and disposal […]

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How do I get rid of jumping worms?

Question: I have discovered jumping worms in my raised vegetable beds. I traced the source back to my compost pile (the finished compost). I assume they are due to potted annual plants I purchased and then composted at the end of last season. I have a couple questions: 1. Various university websites suggests letting the […]

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How do I get bittersweet nightshade out of my pasture and how harmful is it to animals?

Question: How do I get bittersweet nightshade out of my pasture and how harmful is it to animals? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional Bittersweet/climbing nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) is toxic to wildlife, as you obviously know. The lengthy species page from the USDA and the US Forestry Service says: “Climbing nightshade contains solanine (glycoalkaloid and alkamines collectively), […]

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What is okay to prune at shorelines?

Question: What is okay to prune at shorelines? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional These two resources should be a helpful place to get started on shoreline pruning questions: State of Maine “General Standards for Vegetation Clearing” Pamphlet State of Maine “Clearing Vegetation in the Shoreland Zone” Happy gardening.

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Why are my high bush blueberry plants not doing well?

Question: I planted six high bush blueberries of different varieties three years ago. This year several of them are growing strangely. Some have a ton of berries, but minimal plant growth. Others had hardly any berries and others appear damaged or sick. Could you provide potential diagnosis and guidance as to how to help them? […]

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Can the shoots of my Macintosh apple tree be replanted?

Question: I have an old but productive Macintosh Apple tree. It is beginning to show sun scald and is putting out shoots 2-3 feet from the trunk. I would hate to lose this tree! Can the shoots be replanted and if so, how and when? It is a standard tree, not on a rootstock. Answer: […]

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