Ask the Expert

What are some growing recommendations for growing luffas?

Question: I am looking to grow luffas this year and I was wondering what sort of soil medium they should be planted in. I have some experience with mixing in my own additives for indoor plants but, I usually just go with a garden mix from a bag for my herbs, flowers, and vegetables. I […]

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How do I request help with garden planning?

Question: I’ve heard that home gardeners can request to work with a Master Gardener Volunteer for help with garden planning. How do we request this service if it is still available? Answer: Pamela Hargest, Horticulture Professional We have a Garden Mentorship Program that you may be interested in. This program is intended to match trained […]

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How do I keep seeds started indoors in seed trays alive?

Question: I’ve started seeds indoors in seed trays with plastic covers. I rotate them every other day so that they each get enough light. Many of my seedlings die, I think because the soil is either too wet, or, if I take the covers off, too dry.  How do I keep them alive? Answer: Abi […]

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Can you begin garden clean up and start gardening in early March?

Question: I am getting eager to start cleaning up my four raised beds and gardens and start gardening. What can one reasonably get started on this time of year? Is there any harm in cutting back dead leaves and stems that will not support new growth in the spring? Should we clear away dead leaves […]

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How do you remove Hawkweed and plant a native ground cover?

Question: For the past few seasons, I have observed hawkweed taking over my yard. I would like to stop it and plant a native ground cover, but I have no idea what to plant or how to go about removing the hawkweed. My yard gets fairly full sun. What would you advise? Answer: Abi Griffith, […]

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Is it safe to make raised beds out of old galvanized metal roofing?

Question: I am thinking of making some raised beds out of some old (60+ at least!) galvanized metal roofing we took off our cape in the 80’s.  Should I worry about lead or cadmium leaching into my organic garden soil? Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional Since the panels you plan to […]

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