February 2021 4-H Newsletter
4-H Happenings
A monthly newsletter for Hancock County 4-H Members
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Table of Contents
Upcoming Dates| County News | Club News | State News | Leaders Meeting Minutes | Cooking with Kids
Upcoming Dates to Remember
February 9 – 4:30 pm – Leaders’ Meeting via zoom
February 9 – 6:00-7:00 pm – 4-H Public Speaking Workshop – Career and College Readiness
February 15 – Presidents’ Day – Extension Office Closed
February 16 – 10:00-11:00 am -4-H Public Speaking Workshop – Introduction to 4-H Public Speaking for Cloverbuds
February 23 – 6:00-7:00 pm – 4-H Public Speaking Workshop – All About Judging & Scoring
March 1 – Scholarship deadline for Maine 4-H Foundation Scholarships
County News
4-H February Challenge: Send a Valentine to Essential Workers
What is more special than receiving a token of appreciation from a stranger? Not much! Show your gratitude to nurses, doctors, and other essential workers around Hancock County by participating in this 4-H Community Service Project.
Create a Valentine’s Day Card! Have you ever tried to weave a paper heart? Made a pop-up valentine? Get creative! When you’re done, take a photo of your card and send it to joyce.fortier@maine.edu OR post it to the Hancock County 4-H Facebook page with the hashtag #BeMy4HValentine.
Send your valentine to an essential worker or post your photo to Northern Light Maine Coast Hospitals virtual board of appreciation for caregivers. Other essential workers include: your teachers, grocery workers, nurses, dentists, doctors, caregivers, farmers, nursing home attendants, and more. Who do you feel called to thank?
Leaders’ Meeting – The next Leaders’ Association meeting will be by Zoom on February 9, at 4:30 pm. Email carla.scocchi@maine.edu for the private link.
4-H Scholarships and Grants
Do you know about all of the scholarship opportunities available to Hancock County 4-H’ers and Clubs? This is the time of year to learn about these and apply, some deadlines are approaching in March and April. There are college, camp, leadership and 4-H Foundation scholarships for individuals and clubs. Visit our website for details and application materials.
Stem Ambassadors – We are looking for host sites for 4-H STEM ambassadors! 4-H STEM Ambassadors are UMaine System students who facilitate science, technology, engineering, and/or math activities with youth. The spring 4-H STEM ambassador program will be entirely virtual in 2021. There will be two topics offered this year: Art of Math (targets grades 3 -5) or Computer Science (targets grades 4 – 8). If you are interested in having an ambassador come to your classroom, club, library, or other group setting, sign up by February 8th! Email zabet.neucollins@maine.edu for the direct sign-up link.
State Public Speaking – The 2021 4-H Public Speaking Tournament will take place virtually over the weekend of April 16 – 18, 2021. In the absence of local club and county tournaments this year, there will be ample support for youth preceding the tournament in the form of workshops and focused practice opportunities. These workshops are open to all youth who wish to practice their public speaking skills and those who wish to qualify for the state tournament. There are two ways to qualify for the 2021 Maine 4-H Public Speaking Tournament: Attend two workshops and one practice session, or work with Emily Mott (emily.j.mott@maine.edu) to arrange an individual or alternative qualifier session. More information can be found here.
Youth Mental Health Share Fair – Are you a 4-H volunteer seeking ways to support the mental health of youth in your life? Explore activities and practices that support youth mental health. West Virginia University’s Nila Cobb, a Healthy Living Specialist, will join us to share her expertise and guide our discussions. Join us at this upcoming event. Register here by February 25.
Poster Contest – Each year, Maine CDC hosts an annual Lyme Disease Awareness Month poster contest for K-8th graders in Maine. Despite COVID-19, ticks and tickborne diseases are still a threat, especially among children in this age group. The topic of this year’s contest is “Stop. Check. Prevent,” which emphasizes the importance of tick bite prevention measures for preventing tickborne diseases, including Lyme disease. Posters will be accepted through Friday, April 30, 2021. Only one poster per participant will be accepted and posters must be accompanied by a signed release waiver.
Examples of previous winners and submissions are found at the “Lyme Disease Awareness Month” link. If interested, please contact Joyce Fortier for all the contest rules at joyce.Fortier@maine.edu
Club News
4-H Bird Chats – Did you know that woodpeckers, among other

birds, like grape jelly? This interesting fact — and more! — was learned at the second session of the 4-H Bird Chats club, which happened at the end of January. Participants learned about the difference in beak shapes, along with how to attract birds via different kinds of feeders. They shared their observations, photos and drawings, and had a lively discussion! Are you interested in learning more about birds? Join ornithologists around the world for the Annual Great Backyard Bird Count, which happens February 12th – 15th, 2021. More information can be found here.
4-H Aquarium Club – The 4-H Aquarium Club is still accepting members! Join us for virtual monthly meetings to talk all about aquarium fish and connect with experts and peers who share your passion. Great for youth who are just starting a tank as well as seasoned youth aquarists looking to connect with like-minded peers! Register online.
State News
- Maine 4-H Foundation Scholarships – Graduating seniors can apply for a 4-H scholarship from the Maine 4-H Foundation. Applications are due on March 1, 2021 to the local county office and on March 8, 2021 to the Maine 4-H Foundation. For more information please go online.
- 4-H Passport Around the World SPIN Club – Join Maine 4-H and Greenheart Exchange as we travel around the world virtually and meet other teens from across the globe! Meetings will include a brief presentation from a Greenheart Exchange Student, an activity, and Q & A. This SPIN Club is best for ages 12-18 and open to all youth. A minimal supply list will be provided for each activity. Dates are Tuesdays, January 19th, February 2nd & 16th, 4:00-5:00PM and Saturdays, January 30th, February, 13th & 27th, 9:30 – 10:30AM. Register here.
- 4-H For All Club – Join 4-Hers from across the state as we learn what 4-H is all about, connect with each other, create new goals, and discover new passions in the 4-H For All Club. This club is geared toward youth 5-13. Wednesdays February 20th, March 17th, and April 21st at 6:00pm via Zoom.
Register here.
- 4-H Open Public Speaking Opportunity – Would you like to practice 4-H public speaking skills but aren’t necessarily interested in competing at the state tournament? If so, we want to hear from youth and/or clubs! 4-H Staff is interested in hosting a virtual “Open Public Speaking” Event for youth who would typically practice public speaking at the club or county level but who do not have the opportunity this year due to COVID-19. This would be a low-pressure, non-competitive (no scoring) opportunity for youth to gain feedback on their presentations from their peers and adults. Fill out the form with your contact information, and we will be in touch!
- UMaine Faculty Leading Online Forums During the 2021 Maine Science Festival – Habib Dagher, founding director of the University of Maine Advanced Structures and Composites Center, and Melissa Maginnis, an associate professor of microbiology, will lead two online forums during the 2021 Maine Science Festival.The festival will offer six one-hour sessions via Zoom, one in January, one in February and one in March. Each session will include an overview from the speaker, followed by a Q&A period.Dagher, also a professor of civil engineering, will participate in a talk titled “Off-shore wind: from the UK to Maine” with Tony Appleton, director of offshore wind for Burns & McDonnell, and Ronit Prawer, director of the U.K. Government’s Science and Innovation Network (SIN) for the Eastern U.S. The festival will host the online forum at 1 p.m. Feb. 16. Register on the event webpage . Maginnis, leader of the University of Maine System Scientific Advisory Board, will speak in a forum titled “Overview of COVID-19” that explores what COVID-19 is, how it works and why it has been effective as a pandemic. The festival will host the session at 4 p.m. March 2. More information about the 2021 festival and its forums can be found online.
- Northeast Special Interest Club Workshop for Volunteers –Wednesday, February 24, 7:00-8:00PM – Calling all 4-H volunteers, or potential volunteers! Join this virtual Northeast regional volunteer workshop to learn about the SPIN club model of short-term program delivery, and how you can create your own SPIN club in your state. Hosted by the Northeast Region Virtual Special Interest (SPIN) Club Committee. Register here. Please contact Sara Conant, sara.conant@maine.edu, 207-781-6099, for more information.
- Northeast Teen 4-H Virtual Meet & Greet – Thursday, February 4th, 2021, 7:00-8:00PM – Calling all 4-H teens ages 12+! Join the Northeast regional teen meet and greet for an evening of fun games and conversation with teens from across the Northeast. Hosted by the Northeast Region Virtual Special Interest (SPIN) Club Committee. Register here. Please contact Sara Conant, sara.conant@maine.edu, 207-781-6099, for more information.
- Virtual Astronomy Experiences offered by Versant Power Astronomy Center at University of Maine! – Versant Power Astronomy Center has innovated new ways to help you and your class explore the universe via distance learning. We are eager to work with you and your class, camp, family or private group and bring astronomy to you in an interactive way. Virtual Astronomy Experiencesare presented live by Shawn Laatsch, Director of Versant Power Astronomy Center & Jordan Planetarium. All experiences include an interactive presentation followed by a question and answer period with a total duration of around 45-50 minutes. Please contact us if you would like us to tailor something special for your group.Presentations are $50.00 per class/group (maximum of 50 participants) and payment may be made by check or credit card. For more information visit here.
- Livestock GPS
Do you have an animal, an acre of pasture, and an interest in GPS? Learn real world uses for GPS in modern livestock operations.
Youth 14-18 years will learn- How GPS works
- History of GPS livestock tracking
- Current GPS uses in livestock research
- Developing your own GPS Research Project with your livestock
- How to download and analyze data
- How to present your GPS research results—Best presentation receives a Custom Silver Buckle
Want to know more? Contact either Debra Kantor – debra.kantor@maine.edu or 207.474.9622, or Colt Knight – colt.knight@maine.edu or 207.581.2593.
- Maine 4-H Virtual Teen Science Cafes – Planning is currently taking place for Spring 2021 4-H Virtual Teen Science Cafes. These weekly topical webinars are a great chance to learn something new! Information about upcoming sessions will soon be available online .
- 2021 4-H Public Speaking Tournament
The 20214-H Public Speaking Tournament will take place virtually over the weekend of April 16 – 18, 2021. In the absence of local club and county tournaments this year, there is ample support for youth preceding the tournament in the form of workshops and focused practice opportunities. These workshops are open to all youth who wish to practice their public speaking skills and those who wish to qualify for the state tournament. If you are interested in participating in the Maine 4-H Public Speaking Program and need assistance in any way, please contact us to discuss your needs. We are committed to making 4-H programs accessible to all youth, regardless of internet or technology access. Details for the workshops and tournaments are still being organized – regularly updated information can be found on the Maine 4-H Public Speaking Website. Stay tuned for more announcements! Save the dates for the 4-H Public Speaking Workshops:
– January 26, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Online Presentations
– February 9, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Career & College Readiness
– February 16, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m |Introduction to 4-H Public Speaking for Cloverbuds
– February 23, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | All About Judging & Scoring
– Practice Sessions in February and March*There are two ways to qualify for the State Public Speaking Tournament:
Attend two workshops and one practice session.
Individualized qualifier; contact Emily Mott, emily.j.mott@maine.edu to make arrangements. Save the date for the 2021 4-H Public Speaking Tournament:
– April 16-18, 2021Questions about the Maine 4-H Public Speaking Program? Contact Sheila Norman, 207.942.7396 or sheila.norman@maine.edu.
Leaders Meeting Minutes
January 2021 Meeting Canceled