Egg Business 4-H Project in Hancock County
Address: 63 Boggy Brook Rd. Ellsworth, ME 04605
View Website for Egg Business 4-H Project in Hancock County
Category: Poultry and Entrepreneurship
Description: The 4-H Egg Business Project is intended to provide youth ages 11-18 with learning experiences in business, entrepreneurship, record keeping, documentation, problem-solving, food safety, and animal husbandry. Under the mentorship of a trained 4-H Leader, participants will learn about, understand, and follow state and local regulations for producing and selling poultry eggs. The project may also generate income for participating youth and their families.
Youth complete their project independently but are also members of a county-wide group of 4-H’ers participating in the project. A trained 4-H Leader will assist Hancock County youth in preparation, business planning, record keeping, animal husbandry, and more. In Hancock County, this program is run in partnership with Machias Saving Bank.
*Note: Hancock County youth must register using this form instead of the form on the state website.
Space is limited to 5 participants.
Ages: 11-18