BFRN National Tractor ROPS Rebate Program

As you all know, tractors are a central, nearly essential tool for our Maine farmers. Both beginning and experienced farmers are commonly using older tractors that do not have a Roll-Over Protective Structure (ROPS) installed on them. Beginning farmers are at a particular risk when using this equipment, as they do not generally have the tractor operating experience that is critical for safe operation. In the case of a tractor roll over, these ROPS can save lives.I have been working with the Maine Farm Bureau, DACF, State Legislators, and the National Tractor Safety Coalition to create a ROPS rebate program here in Maine. This program will cover 70% of the cost of retrofitting ROPS systems on older tractors. The program is still in the development phases, however, in the mean time, the farmers who you work with can get on the waiting list for the national ROPS Rebate Program that is headed up by the National Tractor Safety Coalition. See the National ROPS Rebate Program website for info about the program and how to apply.

Contact Jason Lilley if you have any questions about the program.