Farm for Good – Farm Succession School in New Hampshire

Are you looking toward your farm transition?

Bedford, NH: at Farm Credit East 2 Constitution Drive, Bedford, NH
10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
December 12, 2018, January 10, 2019, and February 7, 2019

Your commitment of three winter days will allow you to develop a concrete succession plan for your farm business, your land and your future.

One of your biggest challenges is planning for farm succession. Attend this year’s Farm Succession School! You’ll get structured and sustained support to make decisions, engage your family, and organize the legal and financial mechanics.

Topics include:

  • Goal setting
  • Estate planning
  • Retirement planning and budgeting
  • Family communications
  • Legal structures and considerations
  • Bringing on a successor
  • Management transfer and mentoring

Farmers who have participated in past Succession Schools loved the amount of attention they received, and valued the trust and sharing that developed among the participants, regardless of scale or type of enterprise.

“It is a big relief to me! Thanks for the push to get it done! The course was well worthwhile.” “A must do! Definitely would recommend it. Well worth the time!”

Open to all New England farmers! Space is limited. You’ll get $200 back toward additional succession- related advising. You will also receive no-cost technical assistance between sessions

The fee is $300 per farmer or farm couple, including lunch, refreshments and materials.

Register by November 16 by calling 603.357.1600 or go online.

Instructors: Jon Jaffe, Farm Business Consultant, Farm Credit East Kathy Ruhf, Senior Advisor, Land For Good An attorney with expertise in succession planning

The Land Access Project is funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture through its Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program, Grant # 2018-02919.