USDA Farmer Resource — A New Generation on the Land

The question of who farms tomorrow — and how they get access to good quality farmland — is one of the key challenges and opportunities for the farming and ranching community.

For farmers seeking land, it can feel like a daunting task to find the right space to make a farm business. There are many pressures, including finding and affording the right land, competing in sometimes very competitive real estate markets, assessing how a business plan will work on a specific piece of land, and, importantly, engaging the community and environment around your farm.

For farmers who are preparing for what comes next as they retire, choose a new career, or decide how they want to pass forward their investments — the challenge can feel equally complex. Many farmers want to continue their investments in agriculture even as they leave the business — and feel passionately about helping give others the same opportunities to be a part of a farm or ranch, or to grow up and live in rural America as they have. Many are also looking for strategies to support a healthy, happy retirement, and want to be sure to leave a strong inheritance and legacy for their children.

No matter where you are in this discussion, USDA is here for you.