Maine Department of Education Seeks Farmers and Food Producers

The Maine Department of Education Child Nutrition Program is excited to announce the launch of Maine’s Harvest of the Month (HOM) Program, piloting in Spring of 2019. The program is a nationwide marketing campaign promoting the use of seasonally available, local products in schools, institutions, and communities. Each month, a different Maine product will be highlighted and participating schools will pledge to serve the product and promote it through educational materials and activities.

With over 115 schools signed up to participate so far, the DOE now seeks Maine farms, producers, and distributors to sign up to provide local HOM products. To help Food Service Directors successfully source each month’s product, a list of participating producers is being created to help them connect with local producers. Businesses providing HOM products to schools have the chance to be highlighted on the DOE website, HOM social media, etc. If you are interested in more information, contact Jenn So at or sign up at Harvest of the Month – Producers.