Eat Well Nutrition Workshops

This four-part series starts October 3, 2013,at 5:00pm and will be held at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension office in Dover-Fxcroft; 165 Main St. Dover-Foxcroft, ME.

Participants will learn how to: prepare healthy meals and snacks, save money on groceries, improve cooking skills and keep foods safe to eat.

Participants in the Eat Well Nutrition Workshops will also receive: recipes and a cookbook, tips to help keep families active, and small incentives to help live a healthy lifestyle.

Registration is free to eligible individuals.

For more information or to request a disability accommodation, contact Amanda at (207) 564-3301 or (800) 287-1491 (in Maine), TDD: 1-800-287-8957 or email You can also visit the events calendar at

The University of Maine is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.