Tractor Supply Store Presents Local 4-H Clubs with $502

Front Row: Douglas Haislet, Adam Chamberland, Alison Chamberland, and Tyler Libby
4-H Clubs in Piscataquis County were presented with a check from the Tractor Supply Company (TSC). Thanks to the generosity of local TSC customers during the fall 2013 4-H/TSC Paper Clover Campaign, 4-H members at the local, state, and national levels received a total of $502. Once again, the Dover-Foxcroft TSC was among the top five stores in its region for transaction percentages for donations.
Members from three Piscataquis 4-H clubs were on hand for the presentation: the Mid-Maine Minutemen Boys and Girls 4-H Club, the Parkman Adventure 4-H Club, and the 4-H Adventures in Health Science Club. These Piscataquis County 4-H Clubs are members of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development Program.
The 4-H/TSC Paper Clover Campaign is a nationwide, in-store fundraiser that benefits 4-H programming in the communities where a TSC store is located. The fall 2013 campaign was a very successful promotion, raising over $627,000 that will support 4-H at the local, state, and national levels. The funds raised have provided direct support for local camps, after-school programs and other activities, and has granted scholarships to these events so youth can explore their interests in everything from animal science to robotics. For more information on the 4-H program, contact your local University of Maine Cooperative Extension office.
The Tractor Supply Company (TSC) store in Dover-Foxcroft, ME, was recognized with two awards for its outstanding performance during the fall 4-H/TSC Paper Clover Campaign. The store received the Regional Champion Award for having one of the top five highest transaction percentages for Paper Clover donations in its region. This TSC store was, also, the recipient of the Class Champion Award for achieving the TSC company goal.