February 9th, 2015

Piscataquis County Extension Association
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
February 9th, 2015


Donna Coffin, Ana Bonstedt, Barb Baker, Sheila Norman, Walter Boomsma, Janet Yelch-Weatherbee, Karen Dolley, Natasha Colbry, Richard Neal, George McKay, Kate Garland, Hannah Yovino, John Rebar – via Tandberg, Georgia Underwood-Guest, Dotty Hadler-Guest

Meeting called to order at 3:05 PM. Brief introductions were made.

Secretary’s Report

Minutes reviewed. It was moved and seconded to accept the Secretary’s minutes as written. Minutes unanimously approved.

Budget Report – see attached report.

Program Reports

Copies of written reports received and emailed. Copies distributed to Executive Committee members. A few highlights:

  • Farming/Horticulture – see attached reports. Ana notes she will be resigning effective March 13, 2015 and plans to move to Florida! She will be missed! Donna reports a recent fire at Sherburne Family Farm and a GoFundMe fund that has been established-the farm lost their barn and some livestock.
  • 4-H – see attached report. Some highlights include the Public Speaking Tournament planned for March 7, 2015; a 4-H Day is being planned at the Piscataquis Valley Fair this year; and 4-H plans to take part in GrowMe activities again this year!
  • FoodCorps – see attached report. Walter wonders if an “AG ALIVE” program might be coordinated with the Arts Alive program in local schools. He and Hannah will meet to discuss this possibility.

Unfinished Business

Telephone System Update – awaiting FairPoint.

GrowMe: Walter notes there has been a lot of interest from the local schools! Activities are being planned for the week of March 23-27, 2015. There will be another meeting in March to finalize plans and to solidify volunteer sources. Walter encourages anyone who would like to volunteer for these activities to contact him.

Work Plans and Public Relations: Walter notes that Garden Day, Farm Day and Ag Alive are all activities which could provide some positive publicity. Keep saving/clipping newspaper articles for the Piscataquis County Cooperative Extension Accomplishments scrapbook.

Executive Committee Membership: Walter reports that current by-laws allow for 10 members on the Executive Committee however it is noted that several members are not active at this time. George makes a motion to accept both Dottie and Georgia as new members on the Executive Committee. Karen seconded this motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Review of Executive Committee By-laws: Barb notes we do not want to exclude membership on the Executive Committee but reminds the committee that by-laws should be reviewed and then amended if necessary. Walter will send copies of the current by-laws to committee members to review. The by-laws can be discussed at the next Executive Committee meeting in March.

New Business

FoodCorps Update and Funding: Kate presented an informational slide show about FoodCorps. How can a FoodCorps position be funded and then sustained? Natasha suggests that donations could be accepted at local food markets and fund raising events could be planned. George wonders if there would be any businesses willing to donate funding for this program. Barb notes businesses or foundations may be willing to fund matching grants and/or establish endowments. Kate will continue her efforts with the Maine Community Foundation. Kate is looking for any funding ideas and encourages people to share their ideas with her. Kate would also like suggestions for additional service sites.

Executive Session – at 4:45PM all staff were thanked for their attendance and participation but were asked to leave so that the committee could meet In Executive Session with John and Donna.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00PM.

Next Cooperative Extension Executive Committee meeting planned for March 9, 2015.