June 13, 2016

Piscataquis County Extension Association

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2016

Present:  Walter Boomsma, Georgia Underwood, Donna Coffin, Janet Yelch-Weatherbee, Trisha Smith, Beth McAvoy, Dotty Hadler, Richard Neal, George McKay

Called to order by Walter at 3:05 p.m.


Secretary’s Report

Beth requested a clarification to the minutes regarding handwashing at the fair. George moved and Janet seconded to accept April Minutes with clarification added. Passed unanimously.

Added: Beth attended a day-long workshop for agricultural fair organizers and officials that provided a strategy for ensuring a safe experience for all visitors and exhibitors, in reducing the risk that anyone would contract harmful E. coli from animals at the fair.  Strategic placement of hand sanitizers and hand washing stations, as well as effective signage encouraging hand washing after contact with animals and/or manure were key messages. A summary was presented to Piscataquis Valley Fair directors, and hand washing stations are on their agenda.

Budget Report

See attached reports. Donna noted that we received a reimbursement from Canon Solutions in the amount of $224.56. Report accepted by consensus.

Program Reports– See attached reports.

Unfinished Business

Accounting and expenses—Richard presented a bill for $224.56 for supplies to create water collection and distribution system for SeDoMoCha garden. Georgia moved and Janet seconded approval for payment, passed unanimously.

Discussion held regarding expense approval by Executive Committee. Motion was made by Richard and seconded by George to allow Donna to approve expenses between meetings up to $200 per item, passed unanimously.

School Garden/Summer Meals Program—Rain collection and distribution system completed by Richard and George—seems to be working great! Discussion regarding a sign for the garden—possible activity for the kids? Trisha will follow up. Summer Meals program will kick off July 1—volunteers are needed.

One Tomato—107 plants were distributed at the Black Fly Festival in Milo.

Booth at Dover Cove Farmers Market—Extension will be present at the market up to three more times. See Trisha’s report.

Rural Living Day (PCSWCD)—Discussed some ideas. Donna is preparing a survey that we might use to judge interest, possibly completing it at the Piscataquis County Fair. Survey would serve as a preliminary assessment and would help gauge what we would accomplish, what would be the educational and economic and what people would pay to attend.

Executive Committee Membership—nothing to report.

New Business

Preliminary Budget/Annual Meeting—Discussion was tabled due to lack of time.

Adjourned 5:03pm.