National Public Radio: Once called Nantucket fever, this nasty tick-borne illness is on the rise

Once called Nantucket fever, this nasty tick-borne illness is on the rise

Allison Aubrey, June 10, 2024

Deer Tick (adult female); Ixodes scapularis
Blacklegged Tick or Deer Tick (adult female). Photo: Griffin Dill.

Micheline LeBlanc knew something was up in the summer of 2022. She felt achy and fatigued. “Headaches were a big problem. Night sweats were dramatic,” LeBlanc says.

When she developed throbbing pain in her legs and shortness of breath, her husband took her to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with Lyme disease.

They sent her home with antibiotics. But a few days later her doctor called to tell her a blood test showed she actually had a different tick-borne illness – babesiosis.

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