Diagnostic Services and Fees

Updated Tests/Fees — May 2024:

Diagnostic Services and Fees


Approximate Time Required (Working Days)


Necropsy: Immediate – 5
Avian or pocket pet Variable $45.00 + disposal
Small ruminant Variable $75.00 + disposal
Companion animal or large animal Variable $100.00 + disposal
Fetal necropsy/placenta Variable $75.00 + $35.00 for each additional fetus (+disposal)
Legal necropsy Variable $175.00 + disposal
Additional animal for necropsy Variable Variable (contact for details)
Disposal fee (ALL NECROPSIES)
Group or private cremation available
10-15 Group cremation: $1.26/lbs.
Private cremation with ashes shipped to owner (varies by weight; $1.26/lbs. + $92.40 processing fee + $5.00 service fee + shipping)
Aerobic cultures 2-5 $25.00
Anaerobic culture 2-8 $30.00
Aerobic and Anaerobic culture 2-8 $50.00
Bacterial identification (Biolog) 2-8 $25.00
Mastitis (individual milk samples) 2-5 $8.50 + $4.00 ea. additional animal
Bulk milk sample (routine bacteriology, mycoplasma included) 2-5 $22.00
Mycoplasma 7 $7.00/plate
Antibiotic susceptibility test (Kirby/Bauer) 2-3 $10.00/plate
Fungus culture 10-15 $16.50
Salmonella culture (fecal and environmental sample) 10 $25.00
Salmonella check for Pullorum, S. enteritidis reactors per bird (necropsy + culture) 5-7 $70.00/bird
Equine uterine culture and cytology 2-8 $40.00
Histopathology and Cytology:
Cytology interpretation (in-house) 3-8 $30.00
Slide preparation 7-14 $15.00/slide
Histopath interpretation, diagnostic (in-house) 7-14 $60.00 (+ slide preparation)
Histopathology interpretation, mail-in/biopsy up to two slides (in-house) 7-14 $60.00 (+ gross-in fee and slide preparation)
Histopathology interpretation, research/other (in-house) Variable Variable (contact for details)
Grossing fee/tissue/jar (tissue trimming for biopsy service) 1-2 $17.00
Process, embed, section, H&E stain 1-3 $15.00
Eye or large tissue cassette (process/embed/section/H&E) 1-3 $17.00
Decal small specimens 1cm or smaller 3-7 $8.00
Decal large specimens Variable $10.00
Special stains 2-3 $18.00
Immunohistochemistry Variable Variable
Fecal exam (direct smear + cytology interpretation; fresh samples only) 1-5 $25.50
Fecal Exam (McMaster) 1-5 $25.00
Fecal Exam (Baermann) 1-5 $10.00
Wet mount (+ cytology interpretation; fresh samples only) 1-2 $25.50
Cryptosporidium staining 1-5 $15.00
Parasite ID 1-5 $20.00
General bacterial PCR 3-5 $40.00
Microbial DNA/RNA Sequencing 5-10 $60.00
Serological tests of poultry may be available – contact for details 7-14 by prior arrangement
Avian – Pullorum – Typhoid $1/reaction
Salmonella serotyping 2-4 $24.00 per culture
Salmonella phagetyping $10.00
Avian SE vaccination screen $1/reaction
Feed Analysis:
Crude Protein, Dry Matter, Fiber, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Manganese, Potassium, Zinc, Estimated Net Energy (send-out) 8-14 $42.00

– Revised, May 22, 2024