3… 2… 1… Blastoff!

Community Central Lewiston’s 2016 sessions ended with a bang and we’re ready for the new year!

Over the past couple months youth at the Root Cellar, the Boys and Girls Club Auburn/Lewiston Clubhouse, and Lewiston Housing Authority have been exploring rockets.

Results of Alka Seltzer explosionsYouth began by experimenting with film canister explosions, mixing different amounts of Alka Seltzer and warm water with food coloring.

From there, the youth began learning the parts of rockets, designing their own rockets with film canisters, and preparing for the first launches.


Film Canister LaunchingWe’ve blasted into the new year and we’re excited to visit McMahon Elementary 4th grade classrooms exploring energy and start looking at emergency preparedness with our community sites.

It’s going to be a very exciting year for Community Central and we look forward to sharing our journey with you.

This material is based upon the work of 4-H Community Central Maine, a project supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, United States (U.S.) Department of Agriculture, through a cooperative agreement with The University of Maine under award number 2014-41520-22235
General information about the CYFAR grant program can be accessed on the
Children, Youth and Families at Risk (CYFAR) page (USDA website).

For further information about the CYFAR-funded project highlighted in this publication, contact:

CYFAR Project Name: 4-H Community Central Maine
Principal Investigator: Kristy L  Ouellette
Email Address: kristy.ouellette@maine.edu
Website: 4-H Community Central