Author: lpersonette

Welcome, Dana!

The Community Central team is excited to welcome Dana Dotson, our new 4-H Community Central Professional in Portland! “4-H was an integral part of my upbringing and I am glad to be able to share it with the youth of Greater Portland. It is a privilege to serve Cumberland County as it’s new 4-H Youth […]

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Recognizing Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations are in order! This year, three Maine 4-H Community Central members received scholarships through the Maine 4-H Foundation. As you continue your academic journeys we wish you all the best and can’t wait to see the incredible work you do in the future. Please enjoy the following excerpts from Loyde, Marwo, and Jamal’s 4-H […]

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The NEW 4-H Community Central is here!

We’re back! Over the past few months, Maine 4-H Community Central has been in a transition period from working primarily in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programming with elementary youth to a focus on workforce development with high-school-age youth. Meeting with 4-H staff twice per month, teens 14 and older participate in workshops focused […]

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Nimo and Marwo: Teen Leaders in Maine and Beyond

Nimo and Marwo have both been involved with the Portland High School 4-H Club and Community Central for about two years. They have taken part in many 4-H activities, including being pages for the House and Senate on UMaine Day, community service projects, college visits in New York and Philadelphia, 4-H Public Speaking, Healthy Living […]

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McMahon City Planners

Over the past two months, sixth graders at McMahon Elementary School have been working on designing public parks for the city of Lewiston. Students were able to experience much of the same process that a city planner would need to go through for a park plan to be approved for development. Students began by brainstorming […]

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Portland High School 4-H Members Volunteer at Ronald McDonald House

Over the past several years, members of the Portland High School and Community Central 4-H clubs have volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House in Portland. Recently, News Center Maine arrived while the teens were preparing a meal for families. A few times each year the teens plan a menu, shop for supplies, and cook a […]

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Thank you, Summer of Science Interns!

A big thank you to the Summer of Science Interns for all of your work this summer. It is hard to believe summer is almost over! The Summer of Science interns visited forty sites across Androscoggin and Cumberland counties to bring Discovering Your Inner Engineer to hundreds of kids. This summer, interns also mentored teen leaders in […]

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Summer of Science

This summer, Community Central Teen Leaders are joining teen leaders and interns across the state to teach the UMaine EPSCOR Summer of Science program. The Summer of Science program consists of science sessions taught weekly at over 40 sites for six weeks. This year’s theme is Find Your Inner Engineer. Youth participants across the state will help interns […]

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Travels with Community Central

Over their school break in April, Community Central Teen Leaders took the cities by storm. The Portland High School 4-H club, including CYFAR Teen Leaders, went to the Big Apple! The teens take the trip to visit an urban college and to learn American history and civics. There were eleven juniors and seniors who went […]

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