Author: lpersonette

Service Projects and Physics: Community Central

Portland The Portland High School 4-H club, including members of CYFAR Community Central, spent January conducting their winter service learning project. The club members planned two meals for 50 people at the Ronald McDonald House in Portland, Maine. The House is a place for family members whose children are patients at the Maine Medical Center. […]

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Community Central Summer of Science

This summer, teen leaders from Lewiston and Portland taught youth across the two cities using the Summer of Science curriculum developed by UMaine Extension and Maine EPSCoR. The summer began with youth enjoying time at Bryant Pond 4-H Camp for a two-day training. Time at Bryant Pond included learning the activities, team building exercises with […]

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Making It Rain – Inside?

Community Central youth have begun looking at climate and weather. Can you make it rain, inside? Yes! Sort of. Using a few easily found/recycled materials youth found that when several forces work together a storm occurs: humidity, temperature, wind, and high/low-pressure systems. Several of these activities use supplies that you might have at home! Information about […]

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Exploring with Community Central

Community Central participants at Front Street in Portland have had a busy few weeks exploring density, polymers, and looking at iron content in breakfast cereal! In Lewiston, 4th Graders finished their exploration of different forms of energy by looking at chemical reactions that produce heat as a by-product and how to build a static electricity […]

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An Energetic Start to 2017

Community Central began 2017 by looking at different forms of energy with 4th Graders at McMahon Elementary. Many of these students participated with Community Central as 3rd Graders and some have attended sessions at community partner locations across Lewiston. To explore potential and kinetic energy youth built tracks for marbles using pipe insulation. The first challenge […]

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3… 2… 1… Blastoff!

Community Central Lewiston’s 2016 sessions ended with a bang and we’re ready for the new year! Over the past couple months youth at the Root Cellar, the Boys and Girls Club Auburn/Lewiston Clubhouse, and Lewiston Housing Authority have been exploring rockets. Youth began by experimenting with film canister explosions, mixing different amounts of Alka Seltzer […]

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Exploring Density with Community Central

Youth across Lewiston have been exploring the density of fluids, including experimenting to see how many fluids they could stack on top of one another. At the Root Cellar, Lewiston Housing Authority, and the Boys and Girls Club, the youth had five fluids to stack on top of one another. In the test tube above the […]

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Community Central has gone batty!

Over the past few weeks, Community Central has been working with 3rd-grade students at McMahon Elementary School to learn all about bats! While learning about bat habitats, students each colored a page of a mural without knowing what the full photo looked like! Each habitat needs four things: water, food, shelter and space. Students have been […]

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Let’s Talk Physics… and Star Wars!

Community Central Lewiston has officially kicked off the new 4-H year! Yesterday, students at McMahon Elementary enjoyed the Mainly Physics Roadshow. The roadshow, hosted by David Sturm of the University of Maine Orono Department of Physics and Astronomy, demonstrates concepts of physics in a fun, interactive way. Later, over 100 students and their families joined us for dinner […]

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Community Central – Farewell to Summer

It’s that time of year again! We’re back to school and after-school programming. We hope that all of our youth members, teen leaders, and community partners have a smooth start to the school year. We are excited to begin our after-school programming in a couple weeks and to begin visiting McMahon Elementary in October. We […]

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