
Making It Rain – Inside?

Community Central youth have begun looking at climate and weather. Can you make it rain, inside? Yes! Sort of. Using a few easily found/recycled materials youth found that when several forces work together a storm occurs: humidity, temperature, wind, and high/low-pressure systems. Several of these activities use supplies that you might have at home! Information about […]

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4-H Fix: The Original Maine 4-H Brownie

The Original Maine 4-H Brownie By Ron Drum, Statewide 4-H Program Professional/Associate Director 4-H Resource Development If I say “Brownie,” what comes to mind? Any of these? Harold “Brownie” Brown. The “Cloverbud” version of a Girl Scout. An old-time Eastman-Kodak camera. A very helpful British elf. The mascot of the Cleveland Browns, Cleveland’s Professional Football […]

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Exploring with Community Central

Community Central participants at Front Street in Portland have had a busy few weeks exploring density, polymers, and looking at iron content in breakfast cereal! In Lewiston, 4th Graders finished their exploration of different forms of energy by looking at chemical reactions that produce heat as a by-product and how to build a static electricity […]

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4-H Fix: March is Women’s History Month!

March is Women’s History Month! By Ron Drum, Statewide 4-H Program Professional/Associate Director 4-H Resource Development The year 1997 is not a year I like to remember. That was a year when I lost a good friend. She was only 54 years old when she died. It was a terrible loss. She was a beautiful, […]

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2017 is MARCHing right along! It is time to get a 4-H Fix!

March is Women’s History Month! So on March 10, the 4-H Fix is celebrating by telling the stories of Maine women who helped make Maine 4-H the best, and then made the best even better! On March 24 we tell the story of Brownie Schrumpf, one Maine women who not only had the recipe for making Maine 4-H better, but for […]

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4-H Fix: She Set the Bar High!

She Set the Bar High! By Ron Drum, Statewide 4-H Program Professional/Associate Director 4-H Resource Development In the photographs we have of her, she looks to be rather small, perhaps only 5 feet tall, if that. But what she lacked in stature she made up for in energy, enthusiasm, and leadership. She was the first […]

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4-H Fix: JoJo Thoreau

JoJo Thoreau By Ron Drum, Statewide 4-H Program Professional/Associate Director 4-H Resource Development Maine is known for her famous authors: Stephen King, Annie Proulx, David McCullough, JoJo Thoreau. What!? Never heard of JoJo Thoreau? Why, she is Maine’s newest recipient of a Western Writers Association Spur Award, one of the most prestigious awards in American […]

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An Energetic Start to 2017

Community Central began 2017 by looking at different forms of energy with 4th Graders at McMahon Elementary. Many of these students participated with Community Central as 3rd Graders and some have attended sessions at community partner locations across Lewiston. To explore potential and kinetic energy youth built tracks for marbles using pipe insulation. The first challenge […]

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4-H Fix: Firsts: Part 2!

Firsts: Part 2! By Ron Drum, Statewide 4-H Program Professional/Associate Director 4-H Resource Development Happy New Year! Wait, I said that already, in Firsts: Part 1. So here we go with Part 2! All of the 4-H FIRSTS reported in Part 1 were happening in Maine and the darn program still wasn’t even officially called […]

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4-H Fix: Firsts: Part 1!

Firsts: Part 1! By Ron Drum, Statewide 4-H Program Professional/Associate Director 4-H Resource Development Happy New Year! That’s what we yell on the first day of the year. Anyway, I yelled it, myself, again, this year. Did you? So, January FIRST! It’s good to be first. Everyone wants to be first. Nobody wants to be […]

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