
Community Central – Farewell to Summer

It’s that time of year again! We’re back to school and after-school programming. We hope that all of our youth members, teen leaders, and community partners have a smooth start to the school year. We are excited to begin our after-school programming in a couple weeks and to begin visiting McMahon Elementary in October. We […]

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4-H Fix: Happy 20th Anniversary, Maine 4-H Days!

Happy 20th Anniversary, Maine 4-H Days! By Ron Drum, Statewide 4-H Program Professional/Associate Director 4-H Resource Development Amazing. Twenty years. That’s right, July 22-24, 2016 marked Maine’s 20th Maine 4-H Days. Were you there? I was! What an event! Here is the schedule! Well, part of it, anyway. It was too long to post the […]

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Community Central at the Boys and Girls Club

Community Central is excited to be working with the Boys and Girls Club Auburn/Lewiston Clubhouse this summer! At the clubhouse, youth are exploring aquaculture and seaweed with the 4-H Summer of Science kit. During a recent session, youth took out microscopes and their science journals to help each other identify rehydrated seaweed samples. Nia, a member of […]

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Community Central Summer: Aquaculture!

And… we’re back! Community Central Lewiston summer programming has kicked off with Summer of Science programming in Lewiston. This summer we’re working with Lewiston Housing Authority, The Root Cellar, The Boys and Girls Club, McMahon Elementary, and Tree Street Youth, to bring experiential learning projects to youth entering third to fifth grade. This year’s Summer of Science sessions […]

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4-H Fix: Scrambling to Change the World

Scrambling to Change the World By Ron Drum, Statewide 4-H Program Professional/Associate Director 4-H Resource Development Welcome! Welcome to what we hope will become your monthly “4-H Fix”! A newspaper out of New York City, the New York Times, has, since 1897, sold itself as the paper that prints “all the news that’s fit to […]

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Community Central – Getting Ready for Summer!

Last week, Community Central staff took part in the University of Maine’s Summer of Science (SOS) Train the Trainer day as we continue to prepare for our summer programming. This year’s theme is Seaweed Aquaculture. As part of Community Central, youth across Lewiston and Portland will be exploring different types of seaweed that grow along the Maine […]

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Community Central – #TrueLeader Highlight

The Community Central program is very fortunate to be able to work with many high school students who have committed to the role of Teen Leader. These teens work with Community Central staff on the planning and delivery of STEM-based lessons, games, and family activities. This week, we are highlighting teen leader Mohammed, from Portland. Mohammed […]

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Community Central Exploring Maine – and Beyond!

Fifth graders at McMahon Elementary spent some time learning about space this spring! One week, we looked at lunar volcanoes and how scientists are able to study how lava flowed millions of years ago on the moon and the Earth. First, we looked at how lava flows out of volcanoes. Each lava eruption behaved differently as the terrain changed! Check […]

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Community Central Portland Visits Boston

Last week, a group of teen leaders from Portland traveled to Boston for a day of training and celebrating the upcoming Community Central & Summer of Science programming. On the ride down to Boston, these young leaders completed a reflection activity that looks at becoming a STEM Superstar. Based on an article by the National AfterSchool […]

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Community Central is having a STE(A)M-y Spring Break!

In Lewiston, Community Central youth brought art into their STEM activities over spring break. Youth and Teen Leaders reflected on how they embody the 4-H pledge during program sessions and in their daily lives in order to positively impact their world. We use our Heads, Hearts, Hands, and Health in many ways! We hope all […]

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