Maine State Youth Council Code of Conduct

  • Everyone’s opinions matter, disagreements can become insight into issues or topics; differences in opinion can provide space for creativity. 
  • Everyone can share their opinions and feel comfortable doing so.
  • Be considerate and do not speak over others and raise your hand when you have a question or comment.
  • Be respectful and do not blow off meetings- let the group know if there is a conflict that will cause you to be absent, as soon as possible.  
  • Contribute to the conversation, be supportive and try to have a positive attitude. (Keep negative comments constructive.) 
  • Come to the meeting prepared- having pen/paper, be ready to talk about updates/tasks when asked, do a self check in to evaluate how you will be able to contribute.
  • Keep yourself muted when you aren’t speaking to help reduce background noise. 
  • Communication is key, always responding to all emails and messages in a timely manner. 
  • Participate fully: have your camera on if possible, and engage in the group conversation.
  • Must be a member of at least one subcommittee.

Messaging platforms to use:

  • Email 

Code of Conduct is subject to change by the executive board at any time. 

Last revised